Xueheng Shi - Colloquium Speaker

The Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science Fall Colloquium Series presents:

Xueheng Shi, Assistant Professor, Departments of Statistics and Biological Systems Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

"Recent Advancements in Changepoint Analysis"

Abstract: Changepoint methods are crucial in time series analysis. This presentation begins with an overview of current mean shift changepoint techniques, including Wild Binary Segmentation (WBS) and Pruned Exact Linear Time (PELT), highlighting their strengths and limitations. It then explores recent research findings on changepoint detection in complex model structures, illuminating the latest advancements in the field within the changepoint community. This talk is based on collaborative work with esteemed colleagues: Drs. Rebecca Killick, Colin Gallagher, and Robert Lund.

Meet and Greet at 3:00 pm in 241 SH. Colloquium at 3:30 pm in 61 SH.

Thursday, September 26, 2024 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Schaeffer Hall
20 East Washington Street, Iowa City, IA 52240
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