Constitution of Statistics Student Organization (SSO)


Article I – Purpose

This organization will be known as the Statistics Student Organization (SSO). The purpose of this organization shall be to facilitate connections among graduate students who are majored in Statistics and improve post-graduate outcomes.  In addition to social-wise events, SSO will host a series of academic/educational/career development events throughout the school year, including but not limited to monthly department lunch (inviting speakers with relevant background), Statistics/Data Science specific career fair, paper reading discussion, etc.

Article II - Membership

a) UI Human Rights Clause

In no aspect of its programs shall there be any difference in the treatment of persons on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, pregnancy, disability, genetic information, status as a U.S. veteran, service in the U.S. military, sexual orientation, gender identity, associational preferences, or any other classification which would deprive the person of consideration as an individual. The organization will guarantee that equal opportunity and equal access to membership, programming, facilities, and benefits shall be open to all persons.  Eighty percent (80%) of this organization’s membership must be composed of UI students. 

b) Different Classes of Membership.

  • Executive Board (must be a member in good standing)

President (Primary Representative)

Vice-President (Secondary Representative)

Treasurer (Authorized Signer 1) and must be a different individual than the President

Programming Director

  • General Members:

UI Students who are majored in Statistics and must be a member in good standing (see explanation below). 

  • Members in Good Standing:

To be a member in good standing, one must have paid dues (if applicable), met GPA requirements as set forth in By-Laws (if applicable), and met meeting attendance requirements as set forth in the By-Laws (if applicable). Members in Good Standing have the right to vote as well as seek and hold an elected/appointed office or position.

c) The Procedure for Selection of Membership.

Membership in this organization is open to anyone officially connected to the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science of University of Iowa as students, faculty, or staff as well as those from the community such as alumni and the general public, as long as 80% of the active members of this organization are currently enrolled UI undergraduate or graduate and professional students.

d) The Procedure for the Addition or Revocation of Membership.

The organization shall admit as a member any person who expresses interest, contacts the organization officers, and provides their name and contact information. Membership may be revoked for reasons including but not limited to: inappropriate behavior, being delinquent in paying dues without explanation, and one year inactive membership (not attending or being involved in communication with the officers or the organization). Revocation of membership may occur due to situations that arise both outside of club functions and those that arise during club functions. All situations of revoking membership will be evaluated on a case by case basis by the officers of the club, who are in charge of the revocation process.

Article III - Officers/Executives and Duties

The following officers of the organization shall be elected every academic year per guidelines in Article VI and shall constitute the Executive Council.

  • President: The duties of the President shall include, but shall not be limited to:
        • Maintaining the Constitution and University registration of the organization
        • Keeping in contact with the organization('s) advisor(s)
        • Organizing and conducting periodic board meetings
        • Preparing meeting agendas and collecting information from board members on projects/tasks
        • Announcements prepared for meetings
        • Settling disputes with the organization's Executive Board
        • Assisting Officers with excessive duties
        • In the event of an emergency and in the absence of the Treasurer, signing appropriate financial documents.
  • Vice President: The duties of the Vice President shall include, but shall not be limited to:
        • Sending weekly mass emails for all upcoming organization events, as well as, additional reminders the day preceding or day of an event
        • Assisting with meetings and matters concerning the organization
        • Working with the President to complete tasks and succeeding the President in the event he or she is unable to perform assigned duties.
        • Taking attendance and maintaining the policy on meeting attendance.
  • Treasurer: The duties of the Treasurer shall include, but shall not be limited to:
        • Preparing and presenting balance reports as necessary
        • Authoring and acquiring vouchers for supplies and any other purpose
        • Assisting with the formal budgeting procedures through student government, including supplemental budgeting if necessary
        • Handling all revenue and making deposits regularly
        • Keeping records including all receipts and balance statements
        • Ordering of supplies and items for the organization
  • Programming Director: The duties of the Programming Director shall include, but shall not be limited to:
        • Coordinating and confirming a schedule of speakers for meetings
        • Reserving rooms for all meetings and events
        • Providing the President and Vice President with information about upcoming meetings to be sent to members
        • Confirming and scheduling for conferences, activities, and fundraisers found by executive board.

All Executive Board members are expected to attend all meetings each semester unless a previous arrangement has been made or a pre-existing engagement prevents them from attending. All members of the Executive Board are strongly encouraged to attend other activities and unofficial meetings. Should an Executive Board Member need to be removed from office, a meeting of the Executive Board shall be held and a vote taken, with removal occurring as the results of a majority vote. A reason for removal includes, but is not limited to, failure to comply with officer duties.

Article IV - Advisors

The Executive Board shall be responsible for selecting an advisor. It is anticipated the advisor will be a member of the faculty or staff at the University of Iowa. The position of advisor may be filled by the Executive Board with the approval of a majority of those members present at any official meeting. The duties of the advisor shall be determined by the Executive Board.

 Article V – Meetings

a) Executive Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings will be held separately.

b) Executive board meetings will be held at minimum once a month and are mandatory for all board members. General membership meeting will be held bi-weekly; one meeting attendance a month will be required for general members.

c) Emails will be sent at least three business days to notify members of meetings and events.

d) Quorum is the minimum number of members present in order to conduct official business. The organization quorum will require 1/3 of members present, and the presence of at least two board members.

e) Any board member has the right to call a board, or general meeting with the approval of the president of the organization.

f) The minimum attendance for all members both board and general is to attend one meeting per month in order to stay an active member unless the board is emailed or contacted with reason for being unable to attend meetings that month.


Article VI - Elections

a) Membership will be notified of upcoming elections at least two weeks in advance by announcement at a previous general meeting and by email communication.

b) Elections for board members will occur each November and will be held in accordance with our national affiliates policies.

c) In order to participate in elections, one must be a member in good standing to participate (see Member in Good Standing Clause above) as well as attend one meeting a month.

d) Student Organization Leadership shall be elected during the fall semester to serve one year until the next fall election. Chapter officers may run for re-election if they will continue to be at the University of Iowa for at least one more year.

e) Elections will be conducted in person by secret ballot with the winner receiving 51% of the vote at a general meeting. If no candidate receives 50% of the vote a run-off shall be held between the top two vote receivers. Candidates will be chosen via secret ballad by both the members who exist in good standing and attendance, and current board members.

Article VII – Finances

a) Dues will be determined and voted on by the Executive Board prior to the beginning of the academic fall semester. Members will be notified of dues payment and expected to pay dues to participate in organization activities. 


b) The Treasurer shall be responsible for all collection of dues, budget application processes, disbursement of funds, and payment authorization. The Treasurer is also responsible for following all University of Iowa cash-handling and accounts payable polices are followed. 


c) Required Financial Clause:


Statistics Student Organization (SSO) is required to deposit all receipts in and make disbursements through the Student Organization Business Office, Fraternity Business Services, or Recreational Services. Upon dissolution, state money and mandatory student fees revert back to the granting organization.  Inactive organizations will be considered dissolved after five years of no account activity.  Revenue generated dollars or “00 funds” must be divided as stated in this Constitution and carried out by our leadership. Our organization’s remaining revenue generated dollars or “00 funds” will be divided or disbursed to the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Iowa.  If this organization has dissolved and revenue generated dollars or “00 funds” have not been divided as stated in this Constitution by five years from last account activity, funds in our “00 account” will revert to an account specified for this purpose within student government(s). These funds will then be available for distribution through student government(s) guidelines in accordance with University of Iowa policy.


Article VIII - Amendments 

a) Proposed amendments to this constitution must be submitted in writing by membership to the Executive Board. Amendments shall not be acted upon during a general meeting of the organization membership. Amendments should be read again at a specified number of subsequent general meetings and then the general meeting in which votes will be taken. There will be three readings of a proposed amendment before a vote will be taken to adopt changes to the organization's constitution. 


b) Members will be notified of a proposed amendment by a posted notification, email communication, or mail. 


c) A 3/4 vote is required by members in good-standing to ratify an amendment.


d) All amendments or changes to this constitution must be reflected in an updated constitution that must be submitted to the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership located at 145 Iowa Memorial Union.


Article IX – Ratification

This constitution is ratified on 10/05/2019.