I. Data Wrangling bootcamp — Python pandas 

Taught by Dr. Ruitao Liu 

Sep 11, 18, and 25. (Monday) 5:30-8pm

This bootcamp will teach you fundamental knowledge, principles, and essential skills for manipulating messy data through hundreds of mini-tasks. 

 The outline of the course is as follows: 

  1. Basic Python for data science.
  2. Overview of Python NumPy package.
  3. Data manipulation with Python Pandas package
    1. Data set quality check (error/outlier detection, missing value imputation)  
    2. Exploratory analysis through summary statistics.
    3. Data fusion (combining different data files and transferring them into suitable formats)
    4. Feature engineering (generating new features/variables to enhance model accuracy)

II. Design/analysis bootcamp 

Taught by Dr. Duncan Leaf, USC Schaeffer Center 

Oct 3, 10  and 17. (Tuesday) 5:30-8pm

Outline for design/analysis bootcamp

Week 1: Understanding a data-generating process

Week 2: Complex survey sample design and analysis

Week 3: Bias and causal inference

III. Business Communication bootcamp 

Taught by Paul Hampton, Transamerica 

Oct 24 and 31. (Tuesday) 5:30-8pm 

  1. Teaching: Engaging with Business Stakeholders
    1. Asking business Questions
    2. Identifying strategic drivers; what is the business solving for?
    3. Breaking down issues/concerns/needs into component parts
    4. Uncovering the underlying data/analytics questions
    5. Defining benefits
    6. Writing requirements
  2. Case Study: Part 1
    1. Read persona problem statements (CEO, Head of Operations, Sales Manager, etc.)
    2. Information gathering, opportunity to ask questions 
    3. Present back:

                                                               i.      Business issue

                                                             ii.      Searchable problem

                                                           iii.      Basic requirements

  1. Teaching:  Presenting Findings
    1. Understand your audience
    2. Presenting data
    3. Frame outcome/recommendation/etc.
    4. Building a presentation
  2. Case Study: Part 2