Earn your MS in Actuarial Science

The Master of Science program in Actuarial Science requires 36 semester hours of graduate credit. The program prepares students for actuarial careers by emphasizing the theory that underlies risk processes and the application of this theory to practical problems of insurance pricing and management. It also helps them learn material that is included in professional examinations administered by professional organizations such as the Society of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuarial Society.

Students complete required courses and a MS final examination. 

Requirements and program planning

The MS in actuarial science requires the following course work.

Course list
One of these sequences:  
STAT:4100-STAT:4101Mathematical Statistics I-II6
STAT:5100-STAT:5101Statistical Inference I-II (for well prepared students)6
All of these:  
ACTS:3080Mathematics of Finance I3
ACTS:4130Quantitative Methods for Actuaries3
ACTS:4150Fundamentals of Short-term Actuarial Mathematics3
ACTS:4180Life Contingencies I3
ACTS:4280Life Contingencies II3
ACTS:6200 / DATA:6200Predictive Analytics3
STAT:4560Statistics for Risk Modeling I3
STAT:4561Statistics for Risk Modeling II3
STAT:6300Probability and Stochastic Processes I3
A course approved by the advisor3 

Master of Science final examination

The MS final examination is offered in the spring semester of the second year of study. Students who do not succeed the first time they take the exam may repeat it once.

Plan of study

The applicant for a master's degree must file a plan of study, approved by the advisor and the DEO, with the Graduate College within the session in which the comprehensive exam is taken, and by a date to be established by the Graduate College dean.

The plan shall meet the requirements for the degree approved by the graduate faculty. The plan of study is completed by the faculty and is submitted for you. There is nothing you need to do, except review it. It is usually completed at the beginning of your fourth semester and a copy is placed in  your mail box in 241 Schaeffer Hall (SH).

If a student makes a change in their plan of study (i.e., adds or deletes a course), they must file an application for change in plan of study.

Application for degree

The student must file an application for an anticipated degree with the Registrar not later than ten weeks after the start of the semester or one week after the start of the summer session in which the degree will be conferred. You may apply for your degree on MyUI. Failure to file the application for degree by the deadline may result in postponement of graduation to a subsequent session.

Students must be registered for the semester in which they graduate. Students who have completed their coursework may register for 000:001 Masters Final Registration for 0 semester hours with their advisor's approval.

PhD degree

We do not have a formal actuarial science PhD program at the University of Iowa. Students who desire to work on a PhD in Statistics with concentration in actuarial science/financial mathematics are cautioned that this is a very selective and highly mathematical program.

Create your academic path

You'll find degree overviews, requirements, course lists, academic plans, and more to help you plan your education and explore your possibilities.

Current course list

The MyUI Schedule displays registered courses for a particular session and is available to enrolled students. The list view includes course instructors, time and location, and features to drop courses or change sections.