Awards for statistics students

Henry L. Rietz Award

This award is presented to a PhD student if their performance on the PhD Final (Comprehensive) Exam in the past year has been truly outstanding. The decision is made by the PhD Comprehensive Examination Committee. The winner receives a certificate and a plaque. The award may be presented to more than one individual.

Departments award/scholarships

All students who first major is statistics are considered for (3) $500 scholarships which are awarded spring and fall. Students are notified individually and recognized.

Awards for actuarial science students

Taylor Awards in Actuarial Analysis and Academic Performance

Mr. Robert H. Taylor wishes to encourage all students in the department (as well as students outside the department) to pursue scholarship in the actuarial profession. Accordingly, Mr. Taylor established this fund to support annual awards to be given to the University of Iowa students who demonstrate excellence in research and academic performance. Students win this award and are recognized at our annual Knowler-Taylor Awards Day in the Spring semester. These awards also include a financial gift.

Knowler Awards for Outstanding Achievement

Professor Lloyd A. Knowler came to the University of Iowa as an undergraduate student in the late 1920s. He completed his PhD in Mathematics here in 1937, and was appointed to a faculty position in the Mathematics Department (actuarial science was taught in the Math Department until 1965). He retired in 1978, but remained active in our department until his death in 1990 at the age of 82. In addition to his interest in actuarial science, he was a founding member of the American Society of Quality Control. Students win this award and are recognized at our annual Knowler-Taylor Awards Day in the spring semester. 

Department-sponsored exam awards

The department has funds from numerous scholarships to give students awards for those who pass CAS Part 1 (SOA Exam P), CAS Part 2 (SOA Exam FM), SOA Exam MLC, CAS Exam 3F (SOA exam MFE) and CAS Part 4 (SOA Exam C). Currently, we are revising how awards information will be collected and processed. Check back for more information at a later date!

Award for graduate teaching assistants (TAs)

Allen T. Craig Award

This award is presented to the outstanding teaching assistant of the year. To be eligible, a TA must have taught in the preceding fall semester, or in the current spring semester. The decision is based upon nominating statements, faculty evaluations, and visits to the candidates' classes by members of the Awards Committee. The winner receives a certificate and a plaque. The award may be presented to more than one individual.

Scholarships for actuarial science students

All students admitted to the actuarial science program are considered eligible for the Lloyd Knowler Scholarship, Principal Financial Group Foundation Scholarship, Harold W. Schloss Memorial Scholarship, D. W. Simpson & Company Scholarship, Towers Watson Scholarship and the Transamerica Scholarship. Each scholarship has recommended guidelines that the scholarship committee follows to make these awards. 

Lloyd A. Knowler Scholarship

Professor Lloyd A. Knowler came to the University of Iowa as an undergraduate student in the late 1920s. He completed his PhD in Mathematics here in 1937, and was appointed to a faculty position in the Mathematics Department (actuarial science was taught in the Math Department until 1965). He retired in 1978, but remained active in our department until his death in 1990 at the age of 82. In addition to his interest in Actuarial Science, he was a founding member of the American Society of Quality Control. The fund for this annual $1,000 scholarship was established through the UI Foundation by the American Society for Quality Control, State University of Iowa Section, in the name of Professor Knowler. It is awarded to students in actuarial science and statistics based on academic merit and future promise, as nominated by the department.

Principal Financial Group Foundation Scholarship

The Principal Financial Group Foundation has generously provided a student scholarship to the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science for many years. For the fall, 2012 the student selected will receive a $5,000 scholarship. Based upon current academic record and success on exams, the student recipient will be selected prior to each academic year by the department.  Students must show explicit interest in this scholarship. 

Harold W. Schloss Memorial Scholarship

In November 1984, the Harold W. Schloss Scholarship was established by the Casualty Actuarial Society as a memorial to Mr. Schloss, a past president of the Society. The fund for this annual $500 scholarship stipend was initiated by Mr. Schloss' wife, Frances A. Schloss, and their children. The scholarship is being used to benefit deserving and academically outstanding students in the actuarial program of the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Iowa. The student recipient will be selected each spring by the Trustees of the CAS Trust, based upon the recommendation of the department.

D.W. Simpson & Company Scholarship

D.W. Simpson & Company, Inc., has established a scholarship program to assist students who are majoring in actuarial science. Based upon current academic record and success on exams, the student recipient will be selected prior to each academic year by the department and receive $1,000.

Towers Watson Scholarship

To assist actuarial science students, Towers Watson has established a scholarship program, not only to represent their commitment to our department and our students, but also to signal their belief that our actuarial science program is among the best in the nation. Based upon current academic record and success on exams, the student recipient will be selected prior to each academic year by the department and receive a $1,500 scholarship.

Transamerica Scholarship

Transamerica (formerly known as AEGON) has established a scholarship program to assist outstanding students who are majoring in Actuarial Science. Based upon current academic record and success on exams, the student recipient will be selected prior to each academic year by the department and receive $3000.

Charles E. and Eleanore G. Wilson Scholarship

This fund was established with numerous gifts from Charles E. and Eleanore G. Wilson. Charles Wilson (BA, 1941) attended the University of Iowa during the Depression only because of a scholarship. He was an actuary for 45 years. He established this fund because he wanted to give future students the same opportunity he had and to help the actuarial profession.  The College of Liberal Arts assists us with the application process.

CIGNA Foundation Scholarship

CIGNA has established a scholarship program to assist outstanding students who are majoring in Actuarial Science. Currently this scholarship has been pending and no awards have been designated.

Casualty Actuarial Society Scholarship

The objective of this scholarship is to further students' interest in the property/casualty actuarial profession and to encourage the pursuit of the CAS designations.

Actuarial Foundation scholarships

The Actuarial Foundation currently supports four scholarships, three of which our students are eligible for: The Actuarial Diversity Scholarship, the Actuary of Tomorrow Stuart A. Robertson Memorial Scholarship, and the Curtis E. Huntington Memorial Scholarship.

The Actuarial Diversity Scholarship

The Actuarial Diversity Scholarship was formed in 1977 as a joint effort by the Casualty Actuarial Society and the Society of Actuaries. The door to the actuarial profession has been opened to hundreds of minority students over the years. In 2008 this Scholarship program was transferred to The Actuarial Foundation to further strengthen, increase and to assure the continuation of a diverse, high quality actuarial candidate pool through awards of the Actuarial Diversity Scholarship. This Scholarship promotes diversity through an annual scholarship program for Black/African American, Hispanic and Native American Indian students recognizing and encouraging academic achievements by awarding scholarships to full time undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a degree that may lead to a career in the actuarial profession. The 2010 Scholarship Application and Guidelines will be available in the fall. For additional information contact The Actuarial Foundation at:

Learn more

Actuary of Tomorrow Stuart A. Robertson Memorial Scholarship

Stuart A. Robertson, FSA, MAAA, a distinguished actuary, passed away on Nov. 4, 2005 at the age of 87. Mr. Robertson co-founded the actuarial and consulting firm Milliman & Robertson (now Milliman, Inc.) over 50 years ago, together with Wendell Milliman. Mr. Robertson served as CEO and Chairman of the firm for many years prior to his retirement in 1983. He was also active in the actuarial profession, serving on the Society of Actuaries Board of Governors and in other capacities. A scholarship fund was established in 2006 in Stuart Robertson's name at the Actuarial Foundation to honor his dedication to excellence and to recognize his tremendously positive influence on the professional lives of many colleagues. Funding is being provided by Milliman, Inc. and by several of Mr. Robertson's colleagues and friends. The Actuary of Tomorrow Scholarship recognizes and encourages the academic achievements of undergraduate students pursuing a career in actuarial science. Applicants must be a full-time undergraduate student entering as a sophomore, junior or senior, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 (on 4.0 scale) and must have successfully completed two actuarial exams. The Actuarial Foundation provides an award of $7,500 for education expenses at any accredited U.S. educational institution.

Learn more

Curtis E. Huntington Memorial

The Curtis E. Huntington Memorial Scholarship (formerly The John Culver Wooddy Scholarship) was established to recognize the remarkably positive impact Huntington had on his students and on the actuarial profession.

Learn more

Scholarships for all students

The University of Iowa offers more than 1,500 scholarships each year to outstanding students based on financial need, academic merit, or both. Students may receive multiple scholarships. Receiving a UI scholarship will not disqualify you from also receiving need-based grants or loans offered through the UI Office of Student Financial Aid.

To apply for departmental scholarships, please contact Olivia Tobin, Academic Services Coordinator, at

The department is often notified of new scholarship opportunities. When these arise, we notify our students so that they can apply for these special awards. If you know of a scholarship for which our students may be interested in applying, please contact us at or

Additional scholarships for all students

Math Lover Scholarship

  • Eligibility: All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
  • Amount: $500
  • Application deadline: July 31

Learner Algebra Scholarship

  • Eligibility: All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
  • Amount: $500
  • Application deadline: July 31

Learner Calculus Scholarship

  • Eligibility: All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
  • Amount: $500
  • Application deadline: July 31

Learner Geometry Scholarship

  • Eligibility: All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
  • Amount: $500
  • Application deadline: July 31

Learner SAT Scholarship

  • Eligibility: All high school seniors
  • Amount: $500
  • Application deadline: July 31

Graduate student scholarships

Aegon Transamerica Foundation Scholarship

  • Fall 2023: Okechukwu Oboh, Ash White
  • Spring 2023: Aidan Chaffin, Steven Jiang, Anna Kline, Okechukwu Oboh
  • Fall 2022: Mohamed Abdalla, Aidan Chaffin, Anastasia Ellison, Anna Kline, Steven Jiang, Okechukwu Oboh
  • Spring 2022: Anastasia Ellison, Steven Jiang
  • Fall 2021: Anastasia Ellison, Steven Jiang

Allen T. Craig Scholarship

  • 2016-17 25%-time RA appointments to Rui Huang, Jun Tang and Fuli Zhang; $2000 scholarship to Rebecca Rachan.
  • 2015-16 25%-time RA appointments to Zhijiang Liu and Jun Tang; $2000 scholarship to Sheng Wang.
  • 2014-15 25%-time RA appointments to Zhijiang Liu and Anna Pritchard; $2000 scholarship to Bo Wang.

Required registration and adequate progress to continue support

Students who are receiving financial support as a graduate assistant (TA, RA or Grader) from the department are expected to register for a minimum course load each fall and spring semester of their appointment.

  • MS students should take 9 hours minimum during their first year, and 7 hours minimum during their second year, in courses suitable for their program of study.
  • Pre-Comp PhD students (those who have passed the PhD Candidacy Review) but have not yet taken the PhD Comps should take 7 hours minimum in courses suitable for their program of study.
  • Post-Comp PhD students should take at least 4 hours of seminars and/or Reading Research STAT:7990 (22S:299). Recall that Ph.D. students are required to take at least 18 semester hours of STAT:7990 (22S:299).
  • All students will receive tuition support for all courses suitable for their program of study, plus at most one semester-credit hour on other courses
  • Exceptions may be made with the approval of both the student's advisor and the Director of Graduate Studies.

Adequate progress milestones

Support for year 2

  • Pass SPEC test at grade B or higher before start of second year (international students only).
  • Complete at least 18 s.h. the first two semesters with a GPA of at least 3.00, including at least 9 s.h. the first semester with a GPA of at least 3.00

Support for year 3

  • PhD Candidacy (official entry into the PhD program) is established upon successful completion of the Graduate Core Examination and the Creative Component. 

Support for year 4

  • Pass: Foundations of Probability I and II, STAT:7300-7301)  22S:203-204 or Advanced Inference I and II, STAT:7100-7101, (22S:253-254), and meet departmental GPA requirements by the end of the first semester of the third year.

Support for year 5

  • Pass PhD Final (Comprehensive) Exam by the end of fourth year.
  • Within 18 months of passing the PhD Final (Comprehensive) Exam, the PhD candidate should present a written and oral Prospectus to his or her committee. Failure to meet this deadline may result in non-renewal of financial support.

The Graduate College

The Graduate College offers a wealth of information about funding for graduate students through additional methods. You can learn more about funding your education on their site: