Constitution of Actuarial Science Club for all students
The Actuarial Science Club (ASC) shall be the full, official name of this organization.
Originally submitted April 20th, 2004. Updated December 7th, 2021.
Article I. Purpose
The Actuarial Science Club shall serve as an academic student organization for the undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science. ASC shall provide students with opportunities to attend social events, informational meetings, company presentations, and career planning sessions, as well as enrich the academic lives of students in the department.
Article II. Membership
A. In no aspect of its programs shall there be any difference in the treatment of persons on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, pregnancy, disability, genetic information, status as a U.S. veteran, service in the U.S. military, sexual orientation, gender identity, associational preferences, or any other classification which would deprive the person of consideration as an individual. The organization will guarantee that equal opportunity and equal access to membership, programming, facilities, and benefits shall be open to all persons. Eighty percent (80%) of this organization’s membership must be composed of UI students.
B. All undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science shall be eligible for membership in the ASC.
C. There is only one class of membership in the ASC.
D. Membership shall be terminated at any time at a member’s request, or when a member is no longer a student at the University of Iowa.
Article III. Officers and Duties
A. Officers
1. President: The President shall plan and lead weekly board meetings, serve as the club’s primary contact for recruiters and advisors, and lead the executive board in event planning and decision-making. To run for President, an individual must have served on the ASC board for one (1) year. If no candidates meet this criterion, it can be disregarded.
2. Vice President of Finance: The Vice President of Finance shall maintain a budget, manage the club’s finances and budgetary needs, submit all appropriate financial forms, utilize club funds for events, and organize fundraising opportunities for the club.
3. Vice President of Media: The Vice President of Media shall run the social media accounts of the club, provide weekly updates to members containing important information regarding events and announcements, serve as the main promoter for club events to maximize interest and attendance, and help develop club merchandise.
4. Vice President of Social Programming: The Vice President of Social Programming shall be in charge of planning and organizing events for the members of the club with the assistance of the President and the rest of the board.
5. Vice President of Alumni Relations: The Vice President of Alumni Relations shall contact alumni speakers, coordinate networking events with alumni, and send out an alumni newsletter once a semester to keep alumni updated and involved in club developments.
6. International Ambassador: The International Ambassador shall provide an international student voice on the board, help plan events of interest for international students, and encourage international students to attend events and participate in the club. To run for International Ambassador, an individual must be an international student.
7. Underclassman Ambassador: The Underclassman Ambassador shall encourage underclassmen to get involved in the club, help plan events of interest for underclassmen, and represent underclassmen in board decision-making and event planning. To run for Underclassman Ambassador, an individual must be a freshman. If no candidates meet this criterion, sophomores are allowed to run.
B. All members of the ASC who can commit to a one-year term shall be eligible for election to these offices, given that they meet the criteria (if any) required for the position. Both nominations and volunteers shall be accepted.
C. All officers shall be elected by popular vote of members of the ASC. In the event an officer is impeached, a new officer shall be elected during the same meetings to fill the vacant office.
D. In the event that the President leaves the University of Iowa, a special election will be held to determine who will finish the previous President’s term. If the winner of the special election is a current officer, he or she must vacate his or her position and a new officer shall be elected during the same meeting to fill the vacant office.
E. Any elected officer may be impeached for failing to satisfactorily perform his or her duties. Impeachment requires a two-thirds majority vote from ASC members at a scheduled meeting.
Article IV. Advisor
The advisor for the ASC shall be the Academic Services Coordinator of the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science. The advisor shall reserve rooms in Schaeffer Hall for the club and provide guidance and support as needed.
Article V. Meetings
A. The ASC shall meet at least twice a month, with the exception of semester breaks. Generally, a meeting will be a social, professional, or informational event.
B. Meetings shall be announced by the President or the Vice President of Media, via e-mail, at least one week in advance.
C. All elections and decisions are made by majority vote of members present at a scheduled meeting.
Article VI. Elections
A. The ASC shall hold elections each year in November or December, and the newly elected shall take office at the beginning of the following semester. Elections shall be held during a scheduled meeting.
B. Members will be informed of an upcoming election at the time the President or the Vice President of Media announces the meeting.
C. To participate in elections, individuals must be classified as eligible for club membership as defined in Article II.
D. UI students (must comprise 80% of the total organization membership) are eligible to vote and hold office within the organization. Non-UI students (cannot exceed 20% of total organization membership) are not eligible to vote or hold office within the organization.
Article VII. Finances
A. Dues shall be requested at the discretion of the President and the Vice President of Finance. Any dues may or may not be required.
B. The Vice President of Finance shall be responsible for all collection of dues, budget application processes, disbursement of funds, and payment authorization. The Vice President of Finance is also responsible for following all University of Iowa cash-handling and accounts payable polices are followed.
C. The ASC is required to deposit all receipts in and make disbursements through the Student Organization Business Office, Fraternity Business Services, or Recreational Services. Upon dissolution, state money and mandatory student fees revert back to the granting organization. Inactive organizations will be considered dissolved after five years of no account activity. Revenue generated dollars or “00 funds” must be divided as stated in this Constitution and carried out by our leadership. Our organization’s remaining revenue generated dollars or “00 funds” will be divided or disbursed to the University of Iowa Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science. If this organization has dissolved and revenue generated dollars or “00 funds” have not been divided as stated in this Constitution by five years from last account activity, funds in our “00 account” will revert to an account specified for this purpose within student government(s). These funds will then be available for distribution through student government(s) guidelines in accordance with University of Iowa policy.
Article VIII. Amendments
A. Members shall be informed of a proposed amendment at the time the President announces the meeting.
B. Amendments shall be ratified by popular vote from ASC members at a scheduled meeting.
C. All amendments or changes to this constitution must be reflected in an updated constitution that must be submitted to the Office of Leadership, Service, & Civic Engagement.
Article IX. Ratification
This constitution is ratified on December 7th, 2021.