Earn your PhD in Statistics

Updated on October 25, 2024


The following are the proposed changes, to be effective on July 1, 2025.

Current students please review the 2024 General Catalogue to view the current requirements.  

The Doctor of Philosophy program in statistics requires a minimum of 76 semester hours of graduate credit, including work completed for the MS degree.

The Graduate College requires a minimum grade-point average (GPA) of 3.00 to graduate with a PhD degree; however, the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science requires a higher GPA of at least 3.40 to earn the PhD in Statistics. This includes all courses used to meet degree requirements plus additional courses that are relevant to a student's program.

PhD students complete required course work, including courses in one of four concentration areas: biostatistics, probability/mathematical statistics, data science, or actuarial science/financial mathematics. They may take course work or seminars in other departments to relate an area of specialization to other fields of knowledge, to acquire the ability to use electronic digital computing equipment, or to learn non-English language skills necessary for reading scientific journals and communicating with scholars in other languages.

Requirements and program planning

Key milestones of the PhD program

Meeting these milestones on time constitutes adequate progress toward the PhD degree.

  • Pass the MS final exam before the start of Year 2.
  • Petition to go through the PhD qualifying procedure Year 2 or earlier.
    • The student will receive an MS degree in Statistics upon fulfilling all of the MS requirements while working towards their PhD.
  • Pass the PhD comprehensive exam (prospectus) within 12 months (18 months is acceptable) of passing the PhD qualifying procedure.
  • Write and defend dissertation within 36 months (48 months is acceptable) of passing the PhD qualifying procedure.

PhD qualifying procedure


After passing the MS final examination, a student who will choose either biostatistics, probability/mathematical statistics, or data science as the selected concentration area, can request to go through the PhD qualifying procedure. This request should be made by notifying the director of graduate studies, and the qualifying procedure typically takes place in November or April each year. During the PhD qualifying procedure the faculty evaluates the student's body of work which includes the MS final examination in statistics, course work, and evidence for research potential. Usually, a student needs to have demonstrated a high level of proficiency in their MS exam, have achieved A in at least one 7000 level course, have completed at least 1 semester hour of STAT:6990 Readings in Statistics (and is enrolled in a second semester of STAT:6990). This evaluation and assessment results in one of three decisions—the student successfully passes the PhD qualifying procedure; the student must reapply to go through the PhD qualifying procedure after accumulating a larger body of work for evaluation; or the student fails to pass the PhD qualifying procedure and cannot continue in the PhD program.

In exceptional cases, a student may petition to go through the PhD qualifying procedure early, or be admitted to the PhD program directly. However, passing the MS final exam is required before any student can take the PhD comprehensive exam (see the Section below on PhD comprehensive exam/prospectus).

A student may be admitted directly to the PhD program. If direct admission is not granted, the student may petition to apply for PhD admission either after their MS examination or concurrently with the PhD qualifying procedure. 

In exceptional cases, a student may petition to go through the PhD qualifying procedure early in Year 1. However, passing the MS final exam is required before any student can go through the PhD qualifying procedure and take the PhD comprehensive exam (see the Section below on PhD comprehensive exam/prospectus).

Actuarial science

After successfully passing the MS final examination in actuarial science (in exceptional cases, a student may petition to go through the PhD qualifying procedure early), a student who will choose actuarial science/financial mathematics as the selected concentration area, can request, by notifying the director of graduate studies, to go through the PhD qualifying procedure. Upon this request, the faculty evaluates the student's body of work and assesses the student's potential for research. The body of work will include the MS final examination in actuarial science, professional examinations passed, and course work. This evaluation and assessment results in one of two decisions—the student is officially admitted into the PhD program in the actuarial science/financial mathematics concentration area, or the student is not admitted into the PhD program.

Coursework for different concentration areas

Remark 1. A program that does not conform to the requirements described below but is of high quality may be approved by the department chair.

Remark 2. If a PhD student in statistics registers for 6 semester hours or more (not including STAT:6990 Readings in Statistics and STAT:7990 Reading Research) in a semester, then at least 2 semester hours of these need to be from course(s) offered by the statistics department. (This rule is intended to discourage students from taking too many non-statistical courses, especially after they start doing research for their dissertation. Exceptions to the rule require approval by the advisor and the DGS.)

Actuarial science/financial mathematics concentration area

Actuarial science/financial mathematics emphasizes the theory of actuarial science, finance, and risk management.  It is excellent preparation for academic positions in universities that offer actuarial science programs and for positions in the insurance, pension, and financial industries.

One of these sequences from the MS in actuarial science program
Course NumbersTitleHours
STAT:4100-4101   Mathematical Statistics I-II6
STAT:5100-5101   Statistical Inference I-II  6
All of these from the MS in actuarial science program
Course NumbersTitleHours
ACTS:4130  Quantitative Methods for Actuaries3
ACTS:4180  Life Continencies I   3
ACTS:4280  Life Contingencies II 3
STAT:6300Probability and Stochastic Proceses I3
All of these
Course NumbersTitleHours
DATA:7350High-Dimensional Probabilty for Data Science3
STAT:5120  Mathematical Methods for Statistics   3
STAT:7100 Advanced Inference I   3
STAT:7101  Advanced Inference II  3
STAT:7200  Linear Models  4
STAT:7300  Foundations of Probability I 3
STAT:7400  Computer Intensive Statistics     3
STAT:7500Statistical Machine Learning3
STAT:7990  Reading Research 19
STAT:7190, STAT:7290, and STAT:7390Seminars (required 2)2
At least four of these; at least one must be at the PhD level (numbered 7000 or above)
Course NumbersTitleHours
ACTS:6200 / DATA:6200Predictive Analytics3
ACTS:7730  Advanced Topics in Actuarial Science/Financial Math  3
STAT:4560Statistics for Risk Modeling I3
STAT:4561Statistics for Risk Modeling II3
STAT:6301  Probability and Stochastic Processes II 3
STAT:7301  Foundations of Probability II      3
STAT:7560 Time Series Analysis  3
FIN:7110  Finance Theory I 3
FIN:7130   Finance Theory II 3

Biostatistics concentration area

Biostatistics emphasizes exposure to various biostatistical methods, such as survival analysis, categorical data analysis, and longitudinal data analysis. It prepares students for consulting and other positions in industry.

All of these from the MS in statistics program
Course NumbersTitleHours
DATA:5400/STAT:5400Computing in Statistics    3
STAT:5090  ALPHA Seminar    1
STAT:5100Statistical Inference I     3
STAT:5101Statistical Inference II    3
STAT:5200 Applied Statistics I  4
STAT:5201  Applied Statistics II  3
STAT:6220  Statistical Consulting 3
STAT:6300 Probability and Stochastic Processes I 3
STAT:6990  Readings in Statistics (two consecutive enrollments)     2
All of these
Course NumbersTitleHours
STAT:5120 Mathematical Methods for Statistics     3
STAT:7100 Advanced Inference I   3
STAT:7101Advanced Inference II  3
STAT:7200 Linear Models    4
STAT:7300  Foundations of Probability I 3
STAT:7400  Computer Intensive Statistics    3
STAT:7990  Reading Research18
STAT:7190, STAT:7290, and STAT:7390 2Seminars (select 2)2
At least four of these; at least one must be at the PhD level (numbered 7000 or above)
Course NumbersTitleHours
DATA:7350High-Dimensional Probabilty for Data Science3
STAT:6530 Environmental and Spatial Statistics    3
STAT:7510 Analysis of Categorical Data 3
STAT:7570  Survival Data Analysis 3
BIOS:6650  Causal Inference 3
BIOS:6720 Machine Learning for Biomedical Data     3
BIOS:7240  High-Dimensional Data Analysis    3
BIOS:7310  Longitudinal Data Analysis  3

Data science concentration area

The data science track emphasizes the theory, methodology, and application of techniques for working with and learning from data. This concentration area prepares students to develop new methods for visualizing and modeling data, managing reproducible data analysis workflows, and collaborating with scientists and other data stakeholders. It is excellent preparation for students interested in academic, industrial, or government positions that involve data visualization, modeling, and analysis.

All of these from the MS in statistics program
Course NumbersTitleHours
DATA:5400/STAT:5400  Computing in Statistics    3
STAT:5090  ALPHA Seminar    1
STAT:5100Statistical Inference I     3
STAT:5101Statistical Inference II    3
STAT:5200 Applied Statistics I  4
STAT:5201  Applied Statistics II  3
STAT:6220  Statistical Consulting 3
STAT:6300 Probability and Stochastic Processes I 3
STAT:6990  Readings in Statistics (two consecutive enrollments)     2
All of these
Course NumbersTitleHours
DATA:4540/STAT:4540  Statistical Learning  3
DATA:4580/STAT:4580 Data Visualization and Data Technologies     3
DATA:7350High-Dimensional Probability for Data Science3
STAT:5120  Mathematical Methods for Statistics     3
STAT:7100  Advanced Inference I   3
STAT:7200  Linear Models    4
STAT:7400  Computer Intensive Statistics     3
STAT:7500  Statistical Machine Learning 3
STAT:7990  Reading Research 18
STAT:7190, STAT:7290, and STAT:7390 Seminars (select 2)2
At least two of these; at least one must be at the PhD level (numbered 7000 or above)
Course NumbersTitleHours
DATA:6200/ACTS:6200Predictive Analytics3
DATA:4750Probabilistic Statistical Learning3
STAT:6530  Environmental and Spatial Statistics    3
STAT:6560  Applied Time Series Analysis 3
STAT:6970  Topics in Statistics   3
STAT:7101  Advanced Inference II  3
STAT:7300 Foundations of Probability I 3
STAT:7510 Analysis of Categorial Data 3
STAT:7520  Bayesian Analysis 3
STAT:7560  Time Series Analysis   3

Probability/Mathematical Statistics Concentration Area

Probability/mathematical statistics emphasizes a broad, solid foundation in techniques and underpinnings of mathematical statistics.  Its focus on breadth and depth is intended to produce well-rounded, knowledgeable scholars.  It is excellent preparation for academic positions in mathematical statistics and industrial or government positions that require broadly trained statisticians with a strong understanding of statistical theory.

All of these from the MS in statistics program
Course NumbersTitleHours
STAT:5090  ALPHA Seminar    1
STAT:5100Statistical Inference I     3
STAT:5101Statistical Inference II    3
STAT:5200 Applied Statistics I  4
STAT:5201  Applied Statistics II  3
STAT:5400  Computing in Statistics    3
STAT:6220  Statistical Consulting 3
STAT:6300 Probability and Stochastic Processes I 3
STAT:6990  Readings in Statistics (two consecutive enrollments)     2
All of these
Course NumbersTitleHours
STAT:5120 Mathematical Methods for Statistics     3
STAT:7100 Advanced Inference I   3
STAT:7101Advanced Inference II  3
STAT:7200 Linear Models    4
STAT:7300  Foundations of Probability I 3
STAT:7400  Computer Intensive Statistics    3
STAT:7990  Reading Research18
STAT:7190, STAT:7290, and STAT:7390 2Seminars (select 2)2
At least four of these; at least one must be at the PhD level (numbered 7000 or above)
Course NumbersTitleHours
DATA:7350High-Dimensional Probabilty for Data Science3
STAT:6301  Probability and Stochastic Processes II 3
STAT:7301  Foundations of Probability II     3
STAT:7500  Statistical Machine Learning 3
STAT:7520  Bayesian Analysis 3
STAT:7560  Time Series Analysis   3
BIOS:6650  Causal Inference 3
BIOS:7240  High-Dimensional Data Analysis    3

Finding an adviser and a research topic

Choosing an adviser is an important decision for a PhD student. Here are some suggestions.

  • Talk to professors. Email them, read their websites, talk to them after seminars, interview them as a required activity of Alpha Seminar (STAT:5090), etc.
  • Take Readings in Statistics (STAT:6990) with professors you are interested in working with for your dissertation. Note that having registered for STAT:6990 is required before students can petition to go through the PhD qualifying procedure. Students will conduct readings and work on research-oriented or applied problems that are of mutual interest to both parties. See the description of STAT:6990 details.
  • Many students might feel nervous about approaching professors outside the classroom. Remind yourself that by working with a professor, you will be a valuable addition to their research program.
  • Talk to other students, attend their presentations, and gain insight into their research topics and advisors.
  • Attend weekly colloquium, defense of dissertations of other students, etc.

PhD committee

After passing the PhD qualifying procedure and before taking the PhD comprehensive exam, the candidate chooses a committee of at least five members, which is approved by the advisor. At least three of the faculty members must be University of Iowa tenure-track faculty members. At least two of the faculty members are from the major department (defined as faculty members who hold any appointment in the major department), and are members of the University of Iowa tenure-track faculty.

The department may request the Graduate College dean's permission to replace one of the five committee members by a recognized scholar of professorial rank from another academic institution.

The committee members (including the advisor) of the prospectus and the defense need not be the same. But this is common practice and offers certain advantages.

PhD comprehensive exam (prospectus)

After passing the MS final exam and within 12 months of passing the PhD qualifying procedure the candidate should present a written and oral prospectus to the committee, which serves as the PhD Comprehensive Exam. The prospectus describes the problems the student is considering for the thesis, an extensive review of relevant background materials, open problems of interest and ideas for solving the problems, and any preliminary results. Failure to successfully complete the prospectus within 18 months of passing the PhD qualifying procedure will jeopardize the continuation of a student's financial support.

Each PhD committee member will sign the examination report as satisfactory, reservations, or unsatisfactory. A vote of "Reservations" should only be used when a faculty member feels that the deficiencies displayed by the student were modest, and can be readily rectified. In the event of a report with two or more votes of "Reservations," the actions required of the student, by the committee, that are necessary to correct the deficiencies must be recorded and submitted to the Graduate College with the examination report form. The statement must specify the time allowed for completion of the aforementioned actions. For instance, if additional course work is required, a list of suitable courses must be presented. If the candidate needs to rewrite their research prospectus, the deficient areas must be identified, etc. If the candidate satisfies the required actions in the specified period of time, the comprehensive exam will be recorded as "Satisfactory" as of that date. If the actions are not satisfied on time, or if the actions are not of sufficient quality, the comprehensive exam will be recorded as "Unsatisfactory" as of that date. The candidate will not be admitted to the PhD final examination of the dissertation until a grade of "Satisfactory" has been recorded for the comprehensive exam.                                         

In the case of a report of unsatisfactory on a comprehensive examination, the committee may grant the candidate permission to attempt a reexamination not sooner than four months after the first examination. The examination may be repeated only once, at the option of the department.

PhD final exam (defense of the dissertation)

Students should plan to defend their dissertation within 24-36  months of passing the PhD qualifying procedures. Failure to successfully defend the dissertation within 48 months of passing the PhD qualifying procedure or within 5 years of starting the graduate program at the University of Iowa, whichever data comes first, will jeopardize the continuation of a student's financial support.

Application for degree

The student must file an application for an anticipated degree with the Registrar not later than ten weeks after the start of the semester or one week after the start of the summer session in which the degree will be conferred. The student must have the application signed by his or her advisor. Failure to file the Application for Degree by the deadline will result in postponement of graduation to a subsequent session.

Sample schedules

Standard schedule

A sample plan for students who enter the program with a baccalaureate degree:

Year 1
  • Complete at least 18 semester hours of coursework, including courses needed to prepare for the MS final examination.
  • Begin working on identifying a potential advisor. Ideally, talk to the advisor and pick a topic, so literature review and preparation for research in STAT:6990 can start in the summer before Year 2 starts.
Year 2
  • Take the MS Final Exam before classes start in the fall. If the student did not pass either the theoretical or the applied part or both parts of the exam in the first attempt, re-take that part of the exam in January.
  • Complete at least 18 semester hours of coursework, including one or more 7000 level courses and at least 2 semester hours of STAT:6990.
  • Meet all requirements of the MS in Statistics.
  • For STAT:6990, give a short oral presentation to the Statistics Student Organization (SSO) approved by the advisor by mid-March. All students and faculty members are welcome to attend these presentations
  • Petition to go through the PhD qualifying procedure once the oral presentation is completed.  
  • Identify the dissertation topic and the prospectus committee.
Year 3
  • Identify the dissertation topic and the prospectus committee.
  • Submit and present the prospectus, which is the same as the PhD Comprehensive Exam, within 12 months of passing the PhD qualifying procedure. Ideally, this is done in Fall.
Year 4
  • Complete most remaining courses.
  • Conduct research. Give an annual report to the committee in spring.
Year 5
  • Meet all course requirements.
  • Complete and defend dissertation, within 36 months of passing the qualifying procedure.

Expedited schedule

A sample plan for students who enter the program with Master’s degree, who has received equivalent trainings to all of STAT:5100-1, 5200-1 and 5400:

In the exceptional case, students can even take the MS final exam the August before Year 1 starts. Note that students who do not succeed the first time may repeat it only once. If students choose to obtain an MS degree when working towards the PhD, they must complete all the MS requirements and be granted the MS degree within one calendar year of passing the MS final examination.

Year 1
  • Complete at least 18 semester hours of coursework, including one or more 7000 level courses.
  • Identify a potential research topic and an advisor for research as soon as possible. Register for STAT:6990 in the spring.
Year 2
  • Take the MS Final Exam before classes start in the fall.
  • Complete at least 18 semester hours of coursework, including one or more 7000 level courses and the second semester hour of STAT:6990.
  • Meet all requirements of the MS in Statistics.
  • For STAT:6990, give an oral presentation to the Statistics Student Organization (SSO) approved by the advisor by late October.
  • Petition to go through the PhD qualifying procedure once the oral presentation is completed.
  • Identify the dissertation topic and the prospectus committee.
  • Present the dissertation prospectus in spring, which is the same as the PhD Comprehensive exam, within 12 months of passing the PhD qualifying procedure.
  • Complete more courses.
Year 3
  • Complete most remaining core and concentration-area courses.
  • Conduct research (STAT:7990). Give an annual report to the committee or in public in spring.
Year 4 (and 5 if needed)
  • Conduct research. Give an annual report to the committee or in public in spring.
  • Complete and defend the dissertation within 36 months of passing the PhD qualifying procedure.

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Current course list

The MyUI Schedule displays registered courses for a particular session and is available to enrolled students. The list view includes course instructors, time and location, and features to drop courses or change sections.