Contratulations to all, and we are looking forward to this board helping all of the actuarial science students learn more about this profession!
2022 Club Officers (from left to right):

- President - Guy Renquist
- VP of Social Programming - Joseph Zdarsky
- VP of Finance - Liam Christensen
- Underclassman Ambassador - Sam Reckamp
- VP of Media - Ryan Becker
- VP of Alumni Relations - Shuqiong (Sueking) Liang
- International Ambassador - Yalei Zhao
If you're a student (undergraduate or graduate student) who is majoring in actuarial science and/or actuarial science interest, you are automatically a member of the Actuarial Science Club! The department has a mailing list that the department sends out important information. You will also receive information from the club officers from time to time via email.