Thursday, October 12, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. - International Ballroom (2nd floor), Iowa Memorial Union
- Check-in at International Ballroom Lobby in Iowa Memorial Union
- Bring your Student ID, copies of your resume and Dress for Success! *If you are in need of free professional attire, please visit the Clothing Closet at Iowa, 213 Iowa Memorial Union
- Parking will be busy this day. IMU Ramp and North Ramp might be full - build in extra time for parking.
- Registration not required in advance but if you do you will receive updates and reminders from Handshake
- Download the Handshake app in advance to navigate the Fair and research employers in advance! (available for download on both iOS and Android)
Alums: Go here to get a Handshake account to participate!
Current students: You will already have a Handshake account even if you have not accessed yet - click here to activate and/or login.
Update Your Resume and talk with a Peer or a Career Coach- connect virtually and/or schedule an in person appointment on MYUI!