If you want to add one of our spring 2024 courses, you can do so when your registration window opens on MyUI. If the class you want to add is full, add your name to the waiting list. We monitor these waitlists and often open additional seats.
Please note we have moved a few courses around based upon input from students. If you are using schedule builder keep this in mind.
- STAT:4561 has been moved from 2:30-3:20 p.m. MWF to 5:30 -6:20 p.m. to Psychological and Brain Science Building, B60 for spring 2024.
- ACTS:380 has been moved from 12:30-1:20 p,m MWF to 1:30-2:20 p.m.
- ACTSL4180 has moved from 1:30-2:20 p.m. MWF to 12:30 p.m.
- ACTS:6200 has been cancelled, if you need this class for Honors in the major, email: Professor Shiu at elias-shiu@uiowa.edu
Courses restricted to non-majors during early registration only (restriction will be removed on December 1)
If you are an undergraduate and need to take a course over the 5000 level, you will need special permission. Please double check to be sure you have met the pre-requisites.
Please contact us directly at statistics@uiowa.edu.
Always include:
- Your full name
- UI # or Hawk Id
- What course number and section number you wish to add
Are you an Undergraduate actuarial science interest or statistics or data science student needing to meet with your advisor?
- Contact the Advising Center to set up appointments with your advisor. Start here. https://advisingcenter.uiowa.edu/
- If your advisor is Emma Kirk (emma-kirk@uiowa.edu) or Abbigail Baccum at abbigal-baccum@uiowa.edu please email soon!
- Questions? Email actuarial-science@uiowa.edu or statistics@uiowa.edu with your full name and UI number.
- If your advisor is Professor Elias Shiu, email him directly at elias-shiu@uiowa.edu.
Corporate finance information:
For actuarial science majors, ACTS:3080 serves as pre-requisite for FIN:3300; there is no need to take FIN:3000.
FIN:3300 satisfies the SOA VEE corporate finance requirement. It is also a course required for Honors in Actuarial Science.In order to register into FIN:3300 Corporate Finance all Actuarial Science Students (MS and Undergraduates) will need to request permission by submitting a form located on the website (below). This is required for all non-business students wanting to enroll in Tippie College of Business courses.
When completing the form:
- For the question, "I have checked the course prerequisites on MYUI and I have met them" say Yes. The College will waive the prerequisites for Actuarial Science majors.
- Permission to enroll will be applied on the second Monday of early registration, which will be April 17, 2023 for this semester.
- Note: Replies or decisions will not be sent to non-University of Iowa email accounts!
- Actuarial Science Interest Students are not given special permission to register for Corporate Finance, so if you need this class be sure to apply to our program for official admission to the major..
Questions and/or follow-up should be directed to Mike Schluckebier in the Tippie College of Business at michael-schluckebier@uiowa.edu
Enrollment policy for non-Tippie Students: https://tippie.uiowa.edu/current-students/undergraduates/academics/advising/non-tippie-students
Enrollment request form: https://tippie.uiowa.edu/current-students/undergraduates/academics/advising/non-tippie-students/enrollment-request.
Many of our courses are co-listed with the Department of Psychological and Quantitative Foundations.
We cannot help you gain permission to add:
- Introduction to Statistical Methods (PSQF:4143) (STAT:4143)
- Intermediate Statistical Methods (PSQF:6243) (STAT:6513)
Please contact Psych & Quant to receive permission: jonathan-templin@uiowa.edu
Many of our courses are co-listed with the Department of Biostatistics (College of Public Health).
Stat undergrads wanting to take BIOS:5310 (co-listed as IGPI:5310 and STAT:5810) need to email terry-kirk@uiowa.edu with their student ID and she will give them permission to register.