Tutoring help is available for students studying statistics and actuarial science at the University of Iowa.
Spring 2024 statistics tutorial lab schedule

The purpose of the Statistics Tutorial Lab (University Library Commons, Group Area E) is to make extra help available in introductory statistics courses. Sometimes your instructor's or TA's office hours don't mesh well with your schedule. Sometimes you may be reluctant to ask your own teacher for help. The Statistics Tutorial Lab is here to help make up for such difficulties! The courses that we can help you with are:
- STAT:1010, Statistics and Society
- STAT:1020, Elementary Statistics and Inference
- STAT:1030, Statistics for Business
- STAT:2020, Probability & Statistics for Engineering & Physical Science
Spring 2024: Tutorial Lab schedule
Spring 2024 actuarial science lab schedule
The Lab offers support in three subject areas: financial mathematics, fundamentals of actuarial mathematics, and mathematical statistics.
Financial mathematics (ACTS:3080), fundamentals of actuarial mathematics (ACTS:4130), and mathematical statistics (STAT:3100 and STAT:4100) It is led by upper-class actuarial students who are available to assist you with coursework, share learning strategies, and introduce you to resources that help your succeed. You are welcome to drop in online or in person throughout the semester. The Lab also has an ICON site where you can connect with tutors or ask questions anonymously. If you wish to enroll in the ICON site but have not been enrolled, please contact us at actuarial-science@uiowa.edu
FM session (ACTS:3080)
- 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. on Tuesdays, 61 SH
- 4:30 p.m.– 6 p.m. on Wednesdays, 61 SH
- Virtually on Zoom at https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/7223926150?omn=98275421144
Life Con I session (ACTS:4180)
- 4:30 p.m. – 5:20 p.m. on Mondays, 71 SH
- 5 p.m. – 5:50 p.m. on Tuesdays, 14 SH
- Virtually on Zoom at https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/96566038052
Math Stat session (STAT:3100 and 4100 sequences)
- 6:45 PM – 8:45 PM on Mondays, 60 SH
- 5 PM – 7 PM on Thursdays, 15 SH
- Virtually on Zoom at https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/2509707044
Private tutors recommended by the Department: You make private arrangements for individual instruction, and pay the students directly
Tutor Iowa
Tutor Iowa is an excellent resource for finding academic assistance and mentoring for your University of Iowa courses!
Mathematics Tutorial Laboratory
The Mathematics Tutorial Laboratory is a resource offered to students in the Department of Mathematics. The goal of the Math Lab is to support students' efforts by providing an environment where they may receive one-on-one help from a tutor who is ready to answer their questions. Students will also find a variety of computer applications and other resources to develop and enhance their understanding.