Effective fall 2024, students will be able to declare an Actuarial Science major or transfer in as an Actuarial Science major at the time of admission to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Iowa, or at any time after admission. The Actuarial Science Interest preparatory classification will be discontinued.
Students who previously declared an Actuarial Science Interest will be automatically changed to the Actuarial Science major as of fall 2024; they may drop it if they wish. The selective admissions policy was established in 1990 at the recommendation of the department due to the popularity and difficulty of the actuarial science major.
Actuarial science is a challenging and demanding major. Students who demonstrate factors for success such as strong work ethic, enthusiasm, and commitment, along with excellence in their coursework, tend to be successful in actuarial science. The department hopes that direct admission may encourage more students to pursue Actuarial Science, foster a stronger sense of belonging among students, and alleviate some pressure on students and their parents.
There is nothing current students need to do at this time.
Effectivefall 2024, your degree objective will be automatically changed from Actuarial Science Interest to Actuarial Science BS, but you can drop the major if you wish.