Master's in Science exam
- MS Students: Monday, Aug. 14, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Applied Statistics Exam, S107 Papajohn Business Building
- MS Students: Wednesday, Aug. 16, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Mathematical Statistics Exam, S107 Papajohn Business Building
Required Engagement on August 17
- 10 a.m. in 241 SH (conference room) with Dr. Dale Zimmerman to review this timeline.
Fall 2023
- MS Students: Monday, Aug. 14, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Applied Statistics Exam, S107 Papajohn Business Building
- MS Students: Wednesday, Aug. 16, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Mathematical Statistics Exam, S107 Papajohn Business Building
- Monday, Aug. 21- classes begin. Be sure you are registered for Readings in Statistics STAT:6990. The section number is your CC faculty ID number.
- Wednesday, Aug. 23- Results of MS exams will be given to students (via e-mail). For each student, the faculty makes a recommendation (Pass, or Fail). If you fail, or choose to retake the one or more exams the make-up dates will be offered on Jan. 10 and 12, 2023. Sign-up will be addressed later in the semester.
- Be sure to register for STAT:6990 and add the correct section (your assigned CC advisor) for 1 s.h.
- Monday, Sept. 18- Students should have met at least twice with their Creative Component (CC) advisor by this day.
- Friday, Oct. 13- Students must submit a one-page description to their CC advisor and the Chair of the CC Committee, which gives a tentative title of their CC, lists the objectives of their CC research, and describes the methods to be used to achieve those objectives. Students and advisors will agree on objectives to be completed by the end of the fall semester.
- Monday, Dec. 4- Students must submit a written progress report to their CC advisor and the Chair of the CC Committee including results obtained so far and what remains to be done. CC advisors will assign a grade of I ("Incomplete") to their advisees if the October 13 and December 4 deadlines are not met, or if the progress report does not indicate satisfactory completion of agreed-upon objectives.
Spring 2024
- Be sure to register for STAT:6990 add the correct section (your assigned CC advisor) for 1 s.h.
- If Necessary: Tuesday, Jan. 9- 8:30-11:30 a.m. 2nd Opportunity to Pass: Applied Statistics Exam. Room to be announced later.
- If Necessary: Thursday, Jan. 11- 8:30-11:30 a.m. 2nd Opportunity to Pass: Mathematical Statistics Exam. Room to be announced later.
- Friday, Jan. 26- Students must submit a first draft of their CC to their advisor and to the Chair of the CC Committee; an ICON drop box will be set up for submission to the latter.
- Friday, Feb. 2- Students must submit a final draft to the ICON drop box by 11:59 p.m.
- Monday-Wednesday, Feb. 19, 20 and 21- Students give oral presentations of their CCs.
Friday, March 8- the CC Committee assigns a grade of satisfactory or unsatisfactory and informs students of their grades, by email. Those students who receive a grade of unsatisfactory will be informed as to what they need to do to improve their CC to a satisfactory level.