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Welcome to the Iowa Actuarial Science Club!
If you're a student (undergraduate or graduate student) who is majoring in Actuarial Science and/or Actuarial Science Interest you are automatically a member of the Actuarial Science Club! The department has a mailing list that the department sends out important information. You will also receive information from the club officers from time to time via email.

The Act Sci club had their annual election in December and these are the new board members for 2024. Congratulations!
- President: Sam Reckamp
- VP of Finance: Maggie Russ
- VP of Media: Emily Davis
- VP of Social Programming: Nate Reed
- VP of Alumni Relations: Kael Christensen
- Underclassman Ambassador: Tyler Dill
Past board members
The Act Sci club had their annual election in December and these are the new board members for 2023. Congratulations!
- President: Liam Christensen
- VP of Finance: Sam Reckamp
- VP of Media: Brice Sandahl
- VP of Social Programming: Nathan Reed
- VP of Alumni: Aliyah Johnson
- International Student Ambassador: Yalei Zhao
- Underclassmen Ambassador: Emma Kajtazovic

Thank you Transamerica for sponsoring our picnic at City Park on Sept. 6, 2022.

Congratulations to all and we are looking forward to this board helping all of the actuarial science students learn more about this profession!
2022 Club Officers (left to right) front:
- VP of Alumni Relations - Shuqiong (Sueking) Liang; VP of Media
- Underclassman Ambassador - Sam Reckamp
- International Ambassador - Yalei Zhao
- (left to right) back row:
- VP of Social Programming - Joseph Zdarsky
- VP of Finance - Liam Christensen
- VP of Media - Ryan Becker
- President - Guy Renquist

2021 Club Officers:
- President: Collin Kepner
- VP of Finance: Guy Renquist
- VP of Media: Ryan Becker
- VP of Alumni Relations: Tyler Witthoft
- VP of Social Programming: Joseph Zdarsky
- International Ambassador: Shuqiong (Sueking) Liang
- Underclassman Ambassador: Anthony Hong
- GOLDrush Ambasasdor: Liam Christensen

News From the club, April 2020
Stay Connected with the club:
- To receive text message reminders about club events, text actsci to the number 84483 (Reply STOP to unsubscribe at any time).
- Follow Iowa Act Sci Club on Twitter.
- Join the UI Actuarial Science Club Facebook group.
Congratulations to the new board of the Actuarial Science Club for 2020!

- President - Emily Fishel
- VP of Finance - Collin Kepner
- VP of Media - Carter Copes
- VP of Social Programming - Max Unmacht
- VP of Alumni Relations - Tyler Witthoft
- Underclassman Ambassador - Guy Renquist
- International Ambassador - Hengxi Wu
Congratulations to the new board of the Actuarial Science Club for 2019!
- President: Yilin Bu
- VP of Finance: Emily Fishel
- VP of Social Programming: Rachel Rinehart
- VP of Media: Emily Hay
- VP of Alumni Relations: Max Unmacht
- International Ambassador: Jingyi Yang
- Underclassman Ambassador: Collin Kepner

Spring 2018 Actuarial Science Club Newsletter
Congratulations to the new board of the Actuarial Science Club for 2018!
- President: Sam Werner
- VP of Finance: Mitch Tamashunas
- VP of Media: Rachel Rinehart
- VP of Social Programming: Ailin Zhang
- VP of Alumni Relations: Morgan Zuidema
- International Ambassador: Yilin Bu
- Underclassman Ambassador: Jordan Will

Congratulations to the new board of the Actuarial Science Club for 2017!
- President: Elle Qi
- VP of Finance: Sam Werner
- VP of Social Programming: Ailin Zhang
- VP of Media: Michelle Croghan
- Graduate Ambassador: Jun Yang (Spring 2017) and Sungjoon Kang (Fall 2017)
- Underclassmen Ambassador: Mitchell Tamashunas

Congratulations to the election of the new board of the Actuarial Science Club for 2016!
- JT Crowley - President
- Elle Qi - VP of Finance
- Michael Hackbarth - VP of Social Programming
- Sara Chen - VP of Media
- Sam Werner - Underclassman Ambassador
- Xinping Xuan- Graduate Ambassador
- Advisor: Margie Ebert (Academic Department Program Coordinator): Margie Ebert

Thank you past officers for your wonderful contributions to making this a tremendous club!
2015 Club Officers:

- President: Trent Perez (Junior)
- VP of Finance: Ruiyi Zhao (Angela) (Sophomore)
- VP of Social Programming: JT Crowley (Sophomore)
- VP of Media: Sara Chen (Sophomore)
- Underclassman Ambassador: Meng Qi (Elle) (Freshman)
- Graduate Ambassador: Yunlu Zhao (2nd year MS student)
- Advisor: Margie Ebert (Academic Department Program Coordinator)
2014 Club Officers:
- Club President: Yemu Xu, Senior graduating in May
- VP of Finance: Raymond Lei, graduating graduate student
- VP of Social Programming: Qianya (Maggie) Sun, graduating graduate student
- VP of Media: Nick Schlarmann, Senior graduating in May

2013-14 Officers
- President–Andrew Rietgraf
- Vice President of Social Programming–Brooke Stadel
- Vice President of Media–Xiangyu Wang
- Vice President of Finance–Greg Monson
- Underclassman Ambassador–Yemu Xu