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Award opportunities for continuing undergraduates
Awards for statistics students
Departments award/scholarships
All students who first major is statistics are considered for (3) $500 scholarships which are awarded spring and fall. Students are notified individually and recognized.
Awards for actuarial science students
Taylor Awards in Actuarial Analysis and Academic Performance
Mr. Robert H. Taylor wish to encourage all students in the department (as well as students outside the department) to pursue scholarship in the actuarial profession. Accordingly, Mr. Taylor established this fund to support annual awards to be given to the University of Iowa students who demonstrate excellence in research and academic performance. Students win this award and are recognized at our annual Knowler-Taylor Awards Day in the Spring semester. These awards also include a financial gift.
Knowler Awards for Outstanding Achievement
Professor Lloyd A. Knowler came to the University of Iowa as an undergraduate student in the late 1920s. He completed his PhD in Mathematics here in 1937, and was appointed to a faculty position in the Mathematics Department (actuarial science was taught in the Math Department until 1965). He retired in 1978, but remained active in our Department until his death in 1990 at the age of 82. In addition to his interest in Actuarial Science, he was a founding member of the American Society of Quality Control. Students win this award and are recognized at our annual Knowler-Taylor Awards Day in the spring semester.
Scholarship opportunities for continuing undergraduates
Scholarships for actuarial science students
Lloyd A. Knowler Scholarship
Professor Lloyd A. Knowler came to the University of Iowa as an undergraduate student in the late 1920s. He completed his PhD in Mathematics here in 1937, and was appointed to a faculty position in the Mathematics Department (actuarial science was taught in the Math Department until 1965). He retired in 1978, but remained active in our department until his death in 1990 at the age of 82. In addition to his interest in actuarial science, he was a founding member of the American Society of Quality Control. The fund for this annual $1,000 scholarship was established through the UI Foundation by the American Society for Quality Control, State University of Iowa Section, in the name of Professor Knowler. It is awarded to students in actuarial science and statistics based on academic merit and future promise, as nominated by the department.
Principal Financial Group Foundation Scholarship
The Principal Financial Group Foundation has generously provided a student scholarship to the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science for many years. For the fall, 2012 the student selected will receive a $5,000 scholarship. Based upon current academic record and success on exams, the student recipient will be selected prior to each academic year by the department. Students must show explicit interest in this scholarship.
Harold W. Schloss Memorial Scholarship
In November 1984, the Harold W. Schloss Scholarship was established by the Casualty Actuarial Society as a memorial to Mr. Schloss, a past president of the Society. The fund for this annual $500 scholarship stipend was initiated by Mr. Schloss' wife, Frances A. Schloss, and their children. The scholarship is being used to benefit deserving and academically outstanding students in the actuarial program of the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Iowa. The student recipient will be selected each spring by the Trustees of the CAS Trust, based upon the recommendation of the department.
Transamerica Scholarship
Transamerica (formerly known as AEGON) has established a scholarship program to assist outstanding students who are majoring in Actuarial Science. Based upon current academic record and success on exams, the student recipient will be selected prior to each academic year by the department.
Charles E. and Eleanore G. Wilson Scholarship
This fund was established with numerous gifts from Charles E. and Eleanore G. Wilson. Charles Wilson (BA, 1941) attended the University of Iowa during the Depression only because of a scholarship. He was an actuary for 45 years. He established this fund because he wanted to give future students the same opportunity he had and to help the actuarial profession.
Casualty Actuarial Society Scholarship
The objective of this scholarship is to further students' interest in the property/casualty actuarial profession and to encourage the pursuit of the CAS designations.
Actuarial Foundation scholarships
The Actuarial Diversity Scholarship
The Actuarial Diversity Scholarship was formed in 1977 as a joint effort by the Casualty Actuarial Society and the Society of Actuaries. The door to the actuarial profession has been opened to hundreds of minority students over the years. In 2008 this Scholarship program was transferred to The Actuarial Foundation to further strengthen, increase and to assure the continuation of a diverse, high quality actuarial candidate pool through awards of the Actuarial Diversity Scholarship. This Scholarship promotes diversity through an annual scholarship program for Black/African American, Hispanic and Native American Indian students recognizing and encouraging academic achievements by awarding scholarships to full time undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a degree that may lead to a career in the actuarial profession.
Actuary of Tomorrow Stuart A. Robertson Memorial Scholarship
Stuart A. Robertson, FSA, MAAA, a distinguished actuary, passed away on Nov. 4, 2005 at the age of 87. Mr. Robertson co-founded the actuarial and consulting firm Milliman & Robertson (now Milliman, Inc.) over 50 years ago, together with Wendell Milliman. Mr. Robertson served as CEO and Chairman of the firm for many years prior to his retirement in 1983. He was also active in the actuarial profession, serving on the Society of Actuaries Board of Governors and in other capacities. A scholarship fund was established in 2006 in Stuart Robertson's name at the Actuarial Foundation to honor his dedication to excellence and to recognize his tremendously positive influence on the professional lives of many colleagues. Funding is being provided by Milliman, Inc. and by several of Mr. Robertson's colleagues and friends. The Actuary of Tomorrow Scholarship recognizes and encourages the academic achievements of undergraduate students pursuing a career in actuarial science. Applicants must be a full-time undergraduate student entering as a sophomore, junior or senior, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 (on 4.0 scale) and must have successfully completed two actuarial exams. The Actuarial Foundation provides an award of $7,500 for education expenses at any accredited U.S. educational institution.
Curtis E. Huntington Memorial
The Curtis E. Huntington Memorial Scholarship (formerly The John Culver Wooddy Scholarship) was established to recognize the remarkably positive impact Huntington had on his students and on the actuarial profession.
Scholarships for all students
Math Lover Scholarship
- Eligibility: All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
- Amount: $500
- Application deadline: July 31
Learner Algebra Scholarship
- Eligibility: All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
- Amount: $500
- Application deadline: July 31
Learner Calculus Scholarship
- Eligibility: All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
- Amount: $500
- Application deadline: July 31
Learner Geometry Scholarship
- Eligibility: All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
- Amount: $500
- Application deadline: July 31
Learner SAT Scholarship
- Eligibility: All high school seniors
- Amount: $500
- Application deadline: July 31
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences scholarships
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences also awards scholarships to students continuing coursework in a major within the college. Some scholarships are open to all liberal arts and sciences students and others are for select liberal arts and sciences majors.
Undergraduate scholarship recipients
Athene Scholarship
- 2024-25 Nathan Munshower, Joshua Nguyen
- 2023-24 Andrew Dupont, Nathan Munshower
- 2022-23 Andrew Dupont
Norman Gershon Greenberg Memorial Scholarship (new 2024)
Norman Gershon Greenberg After serving in the U.S. Army during World War II, Norman graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in mathematics, concentrating on actuarial science. As an actuary Norman came to the Washington area to work at the Pentagon, and later transferred to the Internal Revenue Service, retiring in 2005. He passed away in November 2019.
2024-25: Conner Curtiss
Lloyd A. Knowler Scholarship
- 2024-25 Nour Ahmed
- 2023-24 David Roth
- 2022-23 Maxwell Zoss
- 2021-22: Jack Temme
- 2020-21: Matthew Fernandez
- 2019-20: Natalie Averkamp
- 2018-19: Carter Burns
- 2017-18 Ben Jacobs
- 2016-17: Matthew Kulczak
- 2015-16: Andrea Harlan
- 2014-15: Nicholas Schlarmann
- 2013-14: Braden Hopkins
- 2012-13: Yegang Wu
- 2011-12: Stephanie Marie Kommes
- 2010-11: Yiqing Han
- 2009-10: Han Chen
- 2008-09: Alexander LeFevre
- 2007-08: Kimberly Cessna
- 2006-07: Kent Schrad
- 2005-06: Natalie Foreman
- 2004-05: Luba Aginsky
- 2003-04: Nafis Noori
- 2002-03: Joseph Engstrom
- 2001-02: Glen Reineke
- 2000-01: Mark Oiler
- 1999-2000: Brian Brown
- 1998-99: Nathan Stone
- 1997-98: Eric Palmer
- 1996-97: Andrew Raver
- 1995-96: Stephanie Nelson
- 1994-95: Troy Milbrandt
- 1993-94: Sara Feree
Nevermann Scholarship
- 2024-25 Sydney Steger
- 2023-24 Riley Fuhs
- 2022-23: Bryce Serovy
Northwestern Mutual Scholarship
- 2016-17: Funds were utilized for awards for passing SOA Exams
- 2015-16: Funds were utilized for awards for passing SOA Exams
- 2014-15: Funds were utilized for awards for passing SOA Exams
- 2013-14: Funds were utilized for awards for passing SOA Exams
- 2013-14: Cao Yu, Jacob Brady, Xu Dongyu
- 2012-13: Jacob Brady and Brooke Stadel
- 2011-12: Christopher Hunter
- 2010-11: Christopher Nienart
Robert A. Patterson Memorial Scholarship
- 2020-21: Jordan Lee Turner
- 2019-20: Jordan Lee Turner
- 2018-19: Drew Hoeger
- 2017-18: Drew Hoeger
Richard D. Pearson Scholarship
- 2024-25: Jackson Carlborg, Tyler Dill, Katherine Maune, Samuel Koele
- 2023-24: James Albright, Joshua Nguyen
- 2022-23: Isaac Lucas and Christie Rus
- 2021-22: David Roth and Jack Temme
- 2020-21: Trey Cobb, Peyton Hanley and Madison Rambo
- 2019-20: Morgan Joranlien and Isaiah Martin
- 2018-19: Natalie Avercamp, Emily Fishel, McKenna Hietpas, Xavier Loomer and Maxwell Unmacht
- 2017-18 Alec Ciacco and Megan Svara
- 2016-17: Jason McDowell and Samuel Werner
- 2015-16: Max Peterson
- 2014-15: Michael Hackbarth
Principal Financial Group Scholarship
- 2024-25: Dane Allen, Belle Martin, Kael Christensen
- 2023-24: Arden Hallett, Joshua Nguyen, Christie Rus
- 2022-23: Lucas Regina and David Roth
- 2021-22: Alejandro Guzman and Madison Rambo
- 2020-21: Madison Rambo
- 2019-20: Emily Fishel and Jordan Lee Turner
- 2018-19: Nicholas Culver
- 2017-18: Tina Liu and Morgan Zuidema
- 2016-17: John Crowley
- 2015-16: Sara Chen
- 2014-15: Michael Hackbarth
- 2013-14: Benjamin Mitchell and Andrew Rietgraf
- 2012-13: Caitlin Carney and Andrew Rietgraf
- 2011-12: Kyle Sewright
- 2010-11: Kelli Kregel and Erin Walker
- 2009-10: Jenna Shatek and Kelli Kregel
- 2008-09: Bradley C. Becker
- 2007-08: Kent Schrad
- 2006-07: Hing (Richard) Wu
- 2005-06: Shaun Cullinane
- 2004-05: Luba Aginsky
- Spring 2004: Blake Tiernan
- Fall 2003: Bryce Rosel
- 2002-03: Tony Langasek
- 2001-02: Nicholas Gifford
- 2000-01: Brooke Swanson
- 1999-2000: Jason Meade
- 1998-99: Dave Sachs
- 1997-98: Corrie Proksa
- 1996-97: Eric Palmer
- 1995-96: Carl Fagenbaum
- 1994-95: Carl Fagenbaum
- 1993-94: Dwight Soethout
Harold W. Schloss Scholarship
- 2023 - Ethan Osborn
- 2022: Lucas Regina
- 2021: Morgan Joranlien
- 2020: Lisa Frishcosy
- 2019: Ben Oakley
- 2018: Gaston "Ivan" Morales
- 2017: Carter Burns
- 2016: Sara Chen
- 2015: Kenneth Clancy
- 2014: Nicholas Schlarmann
- 2013: Katherine M. Adam
- 2012: Tom R. Duffy
- 2011: J. Daniel Benzshawel
- 2010: Zhujing Feng
- 2009: James Arns
- 2008: Jun Yang
- 2007: Lindsey Scott
- 2006: Pui Sai (Sharon) Lau
- 2005: Jin (Alex) He
- 2004: Tony Van Berkel
- 2003: Biou Xu
- 2002: Bangwon Ko
- 2001: Hongyan Hao
- 2000: Feng Sun
- 1999: Jingsu Pu
- 1998: Changki Kim
- 1997: Ranee Thiagarajah
- 1996: Tendra J. Cady
- 1995: Larry Lickteig
- 1994: Yong Yao
- 1993: Julie Ekdom
- 1992: Jennifer Brinker
- 1991: LaTisha Boothe
- 1990: Robert J. Moser
- 1989: Jena Ann Losey
- 1988: Trenton Werner
- 1987: Brett Scranton
- 1986: Mark Meyer
- 1985: Steven W. Book
Willis Towers Watson Scholarship
- 2013-14: Greg Monson and Yemu Xu
- 2012-13: Katherine Adam
- 2011-12: Christopher Hunter
- 2010-11: Johnathon DeGeest
- 2009-10: Christopher Nienart
- 2008-09: Kimberly Cessna
- 2007-08: Lindsey Scott
- 2006-07: Jeffrey McClure
- 2005-06: Chu-Yu Chung, Emily Montag, Pamela Walz, and Jingxia Wen
- 2003-04: Jeffrey Kirklin
- Spring 2003: Taehan Bae and Joseph Engstrom
- Fall 2002: Jialan Chen and Glen Reineke
- 2001-02: Michael Garvin and Landon Horton
- 2000-01: Landon Horton and Richard Von Fumetti
Transamerica (AEGON) Scholarship
- 2024-25: Joseph Miyazaki, Margaret Russ
- 2023-24: Joseph Miyazaki, Ethan Osborn
- 2022-23: Bryce Serovy and Riley Fuhs
- 2021-22: Peyton Hanley and Maxwell Zoss
- 2020-21: Sricharan Sheshashai and Nathan Stone
- 2019-20: Ian Lundy and McKenzie Brady
- 2018-19: Cody Krause and Mason Newhard
- 2017-18: Max Peterson
- 2016-17: Andrew Sherer
- 2015-16: Damon Mehrl
- 2014-15: Kenneth Clancy
- 2013-14: Dylan Schwers and Braden Hopkins
D.W. Simpson & Company Scholarship
- 2018-19: Sean Godkin
- 2017-18: Jason McDowell
- 2016-17: Michael Hackbarth
- 2015-16: Kenneth Clancy
- 2014-15: Dylan Schwers
- 2013-14: Brooke Stadel
- 2012-13: Christopher Hunter
- 2011-12: Christopher Nienart
- 2009-10: Alexander LeFevre
- 2008-09: Seth Truka
- 2007-08: Kent Schrad
- 2006-07: Nealand Rattanasamay
- 2005-06: Cory Gusland
- 2004-05: Kally Marks
- 2003-04: Bryce Rosel
- 2002-03: Tony Langasek
Charles E. and Eleanore G. Wilson Scholarship
- Spring 2025: Dane Allen, Nicholas Bauer, Amanda Benn, Ethan Carnes, Kael Christensen, McKayla Doyle, Kaitlyn Elliott, Gabrielle Fox, Riley Fuhs, Anthony Galusha, Daniel Haack, Arden Hallett, Karsen Kobl, Abagail Jones, Anthony Jorgensen, Patrick Keating, Isaac Lucas, David Markusic, Belle Martin, Cody McCollom, Joseph Miyazaki, Kyle Montgomery, Robert Mosher, Ethan Osborn, Henry Pollard, Christie Rus, Margaret Russ, Abhishek Sen, Travis Stanfield, Cody Stephenson, Luke Stuedemann, Ian Temple, Nolan Temple, Linh Tong, Nathan Van Witzenburg, Ryan Venem, Lucas White, Trinity White
- Fall 2024: Annas Ahmed, Dane Allen, Nicholas Bauer, Amanda Benn, Ethan Carnes, Kael Christensen, McKayla Doyle, Kaitlyn Elliott, Gabrielle Fox, Riley Fuhs, Anthony Galusha, Daniel Haack, Arden Hallett, Karsen Kobl, Abagail Jones, Patrick Keating, Isaac Lucas, David Markusic, Belle Martin, Cody McCollom, Joseph Miyazaki, Kyle Montgomery, Robert Mosher, Ethan Osborn, Henry Pollard, Samuel Reckamp, Nate Reed, Christie Rus, Margaret Russ, Abhishek Sen, Travis Stanfield, Cody Stephenson, Luke Stuedemann, Ian Temple, Nolan Temple, Nathan Van Witzenburg, Ryan Venem, Lucas White, Trinity White
- Spring 2024: Annas Ahmed, Dane Allen, Amanda Ben, Tate Billmeyer, Ethan Bovee, Avelyn Burger, Liam Christensen, Kael Christensen, Andrew Dupont, Kaitlyn Elliott, Riley Fuhs, Anthony Galusha, Arden Hallett, Emma Kajtazovic, Patrick Keating, Alex Ling, Isaac Lucas, Joseph Miyazaki, David Markusic, Belle Martin, Nathan Munshower, Ethan Osborn, Henry Pollard, Samuel Reckamp, Nate Reed, Lucas Regina, Jacob Roth, Christie Rus, Margaret Russ, Brice Sandahl, Abhishek Sen, Bryce Serovy, Maxwell Shumaker, Luke Stuedemann, Ian Temple, Nolan Temple, Nathan Van Witzenburg, Ryan Venem, Lucas White
- Fall 2023: Annas Ahmed, Dane Allen, Amanda Ben, Tate Billmeyer, Ethan Bovee, Avelyn Burger, Liam Christensen, Kael Christensen, Andrew Dupont, Kaitlyn Elliott, Riley Fuhs, Anthony Galusha, Arden Hallett, Emma Kajtazovic, Patrick Keating, Jack Klemesrud, Alex Ling, Isaac Lucas, Joseph Miyazaki, David Markusic, Belle Martin, Nathan Munshower, Ethan Osborn, Henry Pollard, Samuel Reckamp, Nate Reed, Lucas Regina, Jacob Roth, Christie Rus, Margaret Russ, Brice Sandahl, Abhishek Sen, Bryce Serovy, Maxwell Shumaker, Luke Stuedemann, Ian Temple, Nolan Temple, Nathan Van Witzenburg, Ryan Venem, Lucas White
- Spring 2023: Annas Ahmed, James Albright, Ryan Becker, Tate Billmeyer, Liam Christensen, Trey Cobb, Andrew Dupont, Riley Fuhs, Alejandro Guzman, Arden Hallett, Peyton Hanley, Levi Hardiman, Aliya Johnson, Jack Klemesrud, Isaac Lucas, Trang Luu, Nathan Munshower, Ethan Murra, Dalton Neshelm, Benjamin Plath, Madison Rambo, Samuel Reckamp, Nate Reed, Lucas Regina, Guy Renquist, Jake Roth, Christie Rus, Margaret Russ, Brice Sandahl, Ethan Sauser, Maxwell Shumaker, Jacob Smith, Jack Temme, Megan Tetrick, Ryan Venem, Ethan Verwers, and Hayley Young
- Fall 2022: Annas Ahmed, James Albright, Ryan Becker, Tate Billmeyer, Liam Christensen, Trey Cobb, Andrew Dupont, Riley Fuhs, Alejandro Guzman, Arden Hallett, Peyton Hanley, Levi Hardiman, Aliya Johnson, Brett King, Jack Klemesrud, Isaac Lucas, Trang Luu, Nathan Munshower, Ethan Murra, Dalton Neshelm, Benjamin Plath, Madison Rambo, Samuel Reckamp, Nate Reed, Lucas Regina, Guy Renquist, Jake Roth, Christie Rus, Margaret Russ, Brice Sandahl, Ethan Sauser, Maxwell Shumaker, Jacob Smith, Sinjin Smith, Jack Temme, Megan Tetrick, Ryan Venem, Ethan Verwers, and Hayley Young
- Fall 2021: Charlie Barry, Ryan Becker, Justin Bowker, Liam Christensen, Trey Cobb, Andrew Dupont, Alejandro Guzman, Owen Hamel, Peyton Hanley, Bethany Junge, Brett King, Brock Lu, Trang Luu, Isaiah Martin, Cade McDonald, Justin Mok, Nathan Munshower, Ethan Murra, Dalton Neshelm, Samuel Reckamp, Nate Reed, Lucas Regina, Guy Renquist, David Roth, Ethan Sauser, Bryce Serovy, Jacob Smith, Ryan Venem, Ethan Verwers, Joseph Vize, Elias Washor, Tanner Welsh, and Tyler Witthoft.
- Spring 2021: Charles D Barry, Ryan Becker, Colton Benjamin, Liam Christensen, Trey Cobb, Carter Copes, Rafael De La Paz, Austin Enderson-Ohrt, Emily Fishel, Lisa Frishcosy, Alejandro Guzman, Jace Johnson, Bethany Junge, Collin Kepner, Brett King, Isaiah Martin, Colin Maseman, Ethan Murra, Danielle Neumann, Ellie Odole, Levi Patterson, Guy Renquist, Ethan Sauser, Bryce Seovy, Andrew Sherwin, Sricharan Sheshashai, Jacob T. Smith, Maxwell Unmacht, Nathaniel Van Kleek, Ethan Verwers, Joseph Vize, Tanner Welsh, and Tyler Witthoft.
- Fall 2020: Charles D Barry, Ryan Becker, Colton Benjamin, Liam Christensen, Trey Cobb, Carter Copes, Rafael De La Paz, Austin Enderson-Ohrt, Emily Fishel, Lisa Frishcosy, Alejandro Guzman, Jace Johnson, Bethany Junge, Collin Kepner, Brett King, Xavier Loomer, Isaiah Martin, Colin Maseman, Ethan Murra, Danielle Neumann, Ellie Odole, Levi Patterson, Guy Renquist, Ethan Sauser, Bryce Seovy, Andrew Sherwin, Sricharan Sheshashai, Jacob T. Smith, Maxwell Unmacht, Nathaniel Van Kleek, Ethan Verwers, Joseph Vize, Tanner Welsh, and Tyler Witthoft.
- Spring 2020: Charles D Barry, Ryan Becker, Colton Benjamin, Brandon Biedermann, Alec Ciaccio, Nicholas Cinnamon, Trey Cobb, Ashton Cracraft, Nicholas Culver, Austin Enderson-Ohrt, Emily Fishel, Lisa Frishcosy, Alejandro Guzman, Peyton Hanley, Benjamin Janssen, Jace Johnson, Collin Kepner, Brett King, Xavier Loomer, Isaiah Martin, Colin Maseman, Carolina Matuk, Danielle Neumann, Mason Newhard, Morgan Novak, Levi Patterson, Madison Rambo, David Roth, Ethan Sauser, Andrew Sherwin, Sricharan Sheshashai, Jacob T. Smith, Megan Svara, Maxwell Unmacht, Nathaniel Van Kleek, Joseph Vize, Tanner Welsh, and Tyler Witthoft.
- Fall 2019: Charles D Barry, Ryan Becker, Brandon Biedermann, Alec Ciaccio, Nicholas Cinnamon, Trey Cobb, Ashton Cracraft, Nicholas Culver, Austin Enderson-Ohrt, Emily Fishel, Lisa Frishcosy, Alejandro Guzman, Peyton Hanley, Benjamin Janssen, Jace Johnson, Collin Kepner, Brett King, Xavier Loomer, Isaiah Martin, Colin Maseman, Carolina Matuk, Danielle Neumann, Mason Newhard, Morgan Novak, Levi Patterson, Madison Rambo, Rachel Rinehart, Ethan Sauser, Andrew Sherwin, Sricharan Sheshashai, Jacob T. Smith, Megan Svara, Maxwell Unmacht, Nathaniel Van Kleek, Joseph Vize, Tanner Welsh, and Tyler Witthoft.
- Fall 2018: Natalie Averkamp, Collin Abeln, Carter Burns, Alec Ciaccio, Nicholas Cinnamon, Austin Enderson-Ohrt, Angela Fiore, Emily Fishel, Daniel Folchert, Lisa Frishcosy, Nicholas Geati, Emily Hay, Drew Hoeger, Hung Nguyen, Jace Johnson, Cody Krause, Quynh Le, Xavier Loomer, Yuji Lopez, Isaiah Martin, Colin Maseman, Carolina Matuk, Mason Newhard, Morgan Novak, Nicholis Odegaard, Levi Paterson, Nathan Promes, Rachel Rinehart, Kyle Scales, Andrew Sherwin, Megan Svara, Mitchell Tamashunas, Maxwell Unmacht, Tyler Witthoft, and Morgan Zuidema.
- Spring 2018: Natalie Averkamp, Collin Abeln, Carter Burns, Bridget Carroll, Alec Ciaccio, Michelle Croghan, Austin Enderson-Ohrt, Angela Fiore, Lisa Frishcosy, N. Halko, Emily Hay, Leah Klejch, Cody Krause, Quynh Le, Tina Liu, Xavier Loomer, Jason McDowell, Connor Nealon, Mason Newhard, Morgan Novak, Nicholis Odegaard, Nathan Promes, Rachel Rinehart, Kyle Scales, Joshua Sieverding, Megan Svara, Mitchell Tamashunas, Maxwell Unmacht, Nathaniel Van Kleek, and Morgan Zuidema
- Fall 2017: Natalie Averkamp, Collin Abeln, Cody Borst, Carter Burns, Bridget Carroll, Alec Ciaccio, Michelle Croghan, Austin Enderson-Ohrt, Angela Fiore, Lisa Frishcosy, N. Halko, Emily Hay, Leah Klejch, Cody Krause, Quynh Le, Tina Liu, Xavier Loomer, Jason McDowell, Connor Nealon, Mason Newhard, Morgan Novak, Nicholis Odegaard, Nathan Promes, Rachel Rinehart, Kyle Scales, Joshua Sieverding, Andrew Sherwin, Megan Svara, Mitchell Tamashunas, Maxwell Unmacht, Nathaniel Van Kleek, and Morgan Zuidema
- Fall 2016: Collin Abeln, Cody Borst, Carter Burns, Bridget Carroll, Sara Chen, Michelle Croghan, John Crowley, Anthony Dagner, Samuel Golden, Emily Hay, Michael Hackbarth, Nathan Halko, Leah Klejch, Connor Kozicki, Quynh Le, Emily Leonhart, Nathan Luna, Jason McDowell, Connor Nealon, Connor Nealon, Mason Newhard, Nicholis Odegaard, Joshua Sieverding, Trent Stastny-Perez, Megan Svara, Mitchell Tamashunas, Morgan Zuidema
- Spring 2016: Collin Abeln, Carter Burns, Bradley Calkins, Sara Chen, Kenneth Clancy, Michelle Croghan, John Crowley, Anthony Dagner, Mary Feng, Michael Hackbarth, Kesha Hyche, Connor Kozicki, Quynh Le, Nathan Luna, Joshua Sieverding, Trent Stastny-Perez, Dalton Streff, Austin Swanson, Jared Westphal, Alexander Zipse, Morgan Zuidema
- Fall 2015: Collin Abeln, Carter Burns, Bradley Calkins, Sara Chen, Kenneth Clancy, Michelle Croghan, John Crowley, Anthony Dagner, Mary Feng, Michael Hackbarth, Kesha Hyche, Connor Kozicki, Quynh Le, Nathan Luna, Joshua Sieverding, Trent Stastny-Perez, Dalton Streff, Austin Swanson, Jared Westphal, Alexander Zipse, Morgan Zuidema
- Fall 2014: Lok Hang Au, Sara Chen, Anthony Dagner, Mary Feng, Justin Gorecki, Joel Henderson, Cody King, Mitchell Kinney, Leah Klejch, Nicholas Schlarmann,Austin Swanson and Jared Westphal
- Fall 2013: Caitlin Carney, Sara Chen, Mary Feng, Cody King, Mitchell Kinney, Kerry Kohlbacher, Julie Maller, Nicholas Schlarman, and Dalton Streff
- Fall 2012: Mary Feng, Travis Reichter and Dalton Streff
- Fall 2011: Mary Feng, Nicholas John Schlarmann, Travis Wayne Reichter and Ming Tran
- Fall 2008: James P. Arns, Bryan D. Benson, Joel Bruxvoort, Jarrod Bush, Tiffany Fodera, Rachel L. Gallagher, Katherine R. Geller, Whitney Gerlich, Christian J. Harms, Alexander S. LeFevre, Ka Yung Leung, Xinyue Li, Colleen P. McGlaughlin, Christopher Nienart, Jenna A. Shatek, Seth D. Truka, Thaddeus E. Wasowicz, Devin R. Westcott, Yu (Art) Xu, Jing Yin, Li Zhen, Nathan Zimmerman, and Ang Wei Zou
- Spring 2008: Bradley Becker, Bryan Benson, Tyler Biggs, Kimberly Cessna, Rachel Gallagher, Katherine Geller, Whitney Gerlich, Christian Harms, Alexander LeFevre, Kyle Mulholland, Kent Schrad, Lindsey Scott, Jenna Shatek, Yoon Joo Sung-Cho, Peter Tigges, Seth Truka, Thaddeus Wasowicz, Nicholas Weber, Devin Westcott, Jing Yin, Li Zhen
- Fall 2007: Bradley Becker, Bryan Benson, Tyler Biggs, Kimberly Cessna, Stephanie Fahy, Katherine Geller, Whitney Gerlich, Christian Harms, Alexander LeFevre, Kyle Mulholland, Sang-Jin Park, Lindsey Scott, Kinsey Sloss, Peter Tigges, Seth Truka, Thaddeus Wasowicz, Nicholas Weber, Devin Westcott, Hing Wu, Li Zhen
- Spring 2007: Bradley Becker, Bryan Benson, Tyler Biggs, Kimberly Cessna, Stephanie Fahy, Whitney Gerlich, Aaron Halbur, Alexander LeFevre, Jennifer Lingenfelter, Jeff McClure, Colleen McGlaughlin, Kyle Mulholland, Sang-Jin Park, Lindsey Scott, Peter Tigges, Seth Truka, Thaddeus Wasowicz, Nicholas Weber
- Fall 2006: Kimberly Cessna, Alexander Duran, Stephanie Fahy, Whitney Gerlich, Myung Joo (Richard) Kim, Jennifer Lingenfelter, Jeffrey McClure, Kyle Mulholland, Lindsey Scott, Peter Tigges, Seth Truka, Pamela Walz, Bryan Benson, Tyler Biggs, Alexander LeFevre, Kinsey Sloss, Thaddeus Wasowicz
- Spring 2006: Kimberly Cessna, Alexander Duran, Stephanie Fahy, Matthew Gandolfo, Whitney Gerlich, Cory Gusland, Myung Joo (Richard) Kim, Jennifer Lingenfelter, Jeffrey McClure, Colleen McGlaughlin, Kyle Mulholland, Kent Schrad, Lindsey Scott, Peter Tigges and Seth Truka
- Fall 2005: Stephanie Fahy, Nicole Pantzlaff, Brian Burmeister, Myung Joo Kim and Jennifer Lingenfelter
- Spring 2005: Stephanie Fahy, Cory Gusland, Chuong Hoa, Kally Marks, Nicole Pantzlaff, Reilly Peterson, Wee Keat Tan and Pamela Walz
- Fall 2004: Kally Marks, Kristen Everett, Stephanie Fahy, Aaron Halbur, Chuong Hoa, Nicole Pantzlaff, Reilly Peterson, Wee Keat Tan and Alicia Williams
- Fall 2002: Younsun Bae, Joseph Engstrom, Paul Kretschmar, Dorothy Nixon, Derek Scallon, Elizabeth Scott, Tyler Theisen
- Spring 2002: Luba Aginsky, Marissa Doudna, Jessica Fisher, Bradley Melton, Dorothy Nixon, Glen Reineke, Bryce Rosel, Elizabeth Scott, Tyler Theisen
- Fall 2001: Sean Everett, Jessica Fisher, Jeremy May, Bradley Melton, Dorothy Nixon, Glen Reineke, Elizabeth Scott, Tyler Theisen
- Spring 2001: Jessica Fisher, Ray Kluesner, Jeremy May, Dorothy Nixon, Glen Reineke, Michael Scholten, Elizabeth Scott, Kelly Tendall
- Fall 2000: Sean Everett, Ray Kluesner, Jeremy May, Dorothy Nixon, and Michael Scholten
- Spring 2000: Nicholas Gifford, Katherine Karch, Brooke Swanson, Jeremy May, Mark Oiler, and Nathan Stone
- Fall 1999: Mark Oiler
- Spring 1999: Monique Bouvier
- Fall 1998: Monique Bouvier
Actuarial Science Departmental Scholarship
- 2015-16: Kayla Berkowitz
Statistics Departmental Scholarship
- 2025 (Spring): Trevor DeButch, Ashwin Dervesh, Camden Foster, Natalie Schwartz
- 2024 (Fall): Trevor DeButch, Ashwin Dervesh, Camden Foster, Natalie Schwartz
- 2024 (Spring): Lawrence Deng, Talia Gafrick, Kelsey Law, Carter Tams
- 2023 (Fall): Lawrence Deng, Kelsey Law, Lucas Regina, Carter Tams
- 2023 (Spring): Daniel Drake, Cori Ann Grant, Cade McDonald, Ethan Murra
- 2022 (Fall): Daniel Drake, Cori Ann Grant, Cade McDonald, Ethan Murra
- 2022 (Spring): August Muenzenmay
- 2021 (Fall): Rachel Anderson, Eldaleona Odole, Nhan To, Ziyu Gao
- 2021 (Spring): Ziyu Gao, Carolina Matuk, Xiaoying Pan, Xiaofeng Yang
- 2020 (Fall): Carolina Matuk, Xiaoying Pan, Andrew Pottebaum, Xiaofeng Yang
- 2020 (Spring): Ruibo Liu, Carolina Matuk, Xiaowen Li, Sanjeev Thangarajah
- 2019 (Fall): Justin Sheldon, Baekjun Kim, Melissa Adrian, Ruibo Liu
- 2019 (Spring): Melissa Adrian, Justin Sheldon, Kelly Yuson, Matthew Fernandez
- 2018 (Fall): Melissa Adrian, Baekjun Kim, Yujing Lu, Justin Sheldon, Kelly Yuson
- 2018 (Spring): Benjamin Jacobs, Matthew Kulczak, Yijing Lu, Jiongqi Zhao, Mohd Airman Zhukifly
- 2017 (Fall): Benjamin Jacobs, Yujing Lu, Mohd Airman Zulkifly, Bo-Yuan Chen, Yue Gu
- 2015-16 (Fall): Andrea Harlan, Jingrong Li,Kenong Su, Angela Zhang
- 2014 (Fall): Andrea Harlan, Zhuozhi Huang, Francis Jo, Xinhe Wang
- 2014 (Spring): Mary Feng, Andrea Harlan, Mitchell Kinney, Zhanlin Liu, Yunfan Xing
- 2013 (Fall): Mitchell Kinney, Xinhe Wang, Eric Ward
CIGNA Foundation Scholarship
- Fall 2010: Cigna purchased textbooks (Actuarial Mathematics, Society of Actuaries) for students taking course number 22S:174 - Quantitative Methods for Actuaries.
- Fall 2009: Cigna purchased textbooks (Actuarial Mathematics, Society of Actuaries) for students taking course number 22S:174 - Quantitative Methods for Actuaries.
- Fall 2008: Cigna purchased textbooks (Actuarial Mathematics, Society of Actuaries) for students taking course number 22S:174 - Quantitative Methods for Actuaries.
- Spring 2008: Colleen McGlaughlin
- Fall 2007: Colleen McGlaughlin and Jing Yin
- 2006-07: Colleen McGlaughlin and Kent Schrad