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Earn your Joint BS and MS in Statistics
Iowa U2G—undergrad to grad in five years
The joint Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Statistics is for eligible students who seek to complete both the BS and the MS at the University of Iowa in five years. Students in the joint program must complete all requirements for each degree. A traditional MS in statistics requires completion of 32 semester hours of graduate-level course work. The BS/MS program permits students to count 12 semester hours of credit (four courses) toward the requirements for both degrees. To complete the MS, an additional 20 semester hours of course work is required. The four courses that count toward both degrees must be taken during the fourth year of undergraduate study, after admission to the joint program, and must satisfy degree requirements of both the BS and the MS in statistics.
When a student withdraws from the joint program before completing their bachelor's degree, credit earned in the four planned cross-credited courses is counted only toward the undergraduate degree.
Students are granted the BS when they complete all requirements for the undergraduate degree.
Students generally apply for admission to the joint program during the spring semester of their third year as undergraduates and enter the program at the beginning of their fourth year—becoming both an undergraduate and graduate student at that time.
Model BS/MS student schedule flowcharts
Application process
Students interested in the program must submit the BS/MS dual degree program application to the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science. Application to the department should be submitted during the second semester of the junior year by May 1.
Each applicant must:
- Submit the BS/MS U2G program application to the department
- After being recommended by the department (via the above application) complete the University of Iowa Graduate College application:
- Submit a statement of purpose including professional goals
- Once you apply you will be asked to submit three names of recommenders that the university will contact on your behalf. You can ask people to expect this request.
Who can apply?
In order to be eligible for admission, candidates
- Must already be enrolled as a statistics major at the University of Iowa
- Must have completed a minimum of 80 semester hours at the time of admission to the joint program, with at least 30 semester hours earned at the University of Iowa
- Must have a cumulative University of Iowa GPA of at least 3.25.
- Must have discussed the program with the undergraduate advisor for statistics majors and have the advisors support for being admitted to the program
Students enrolled in the joint degree program will pay undergraduate tuition and fees through their fourth year. Starting with their fifth year, students will be assessed tuition and fees at the graduate rate and thereafter.
Please note: If award of the bachelor’s degree is delayed beyond the first two semesters of the program, students will continue to pay graduate tuition. However, students in the combined program will be eligible to hold graduate assistantships starting their fifth year. Any student holding an assistantship of 25% or grader will be eligible for a full tuition waiver and other benefits as mandated by the graduate student collective bargaining agreement.
For more information please email your questions and concerns to